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Showing posts from May 22, 2021

[Equality] of all lives...

“I am not an angel," I asserted; "and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself.” ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre The primary problem with our current culture is that while it honors merit, equality, and a level playing field, at the same time it also greatly honors those with wealth, power, and celebrity, no matter how they are achieved. “He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fk things up this badly.” ― George Carlin

In Eternity: Neither Male, Nor Female

by Michael Corthell While the gift of sex and procreation is a very important part of this earthly life, many religious teachings including those of Jesus say that neither of these will play a role in the afterlife (or the 'beforelife') because our souls and our spirits, which are the essence of who we really are as created beings have no gender. Our biological packaging is for procreation and gives most of us either a male or female gender assignment at birth, but it is increasingly recognized in the society today that not all of us fit neatly into gender assigned categories, either physiologically or psychologically. The truth is, that human beings are a combination of masculine and feminine energies (yin-yang balance). The physiological representatives of these energies is manifested in the hormone testosterone, and estrogen, we all have some of each in inverse proportions(normally). Generally speaking those who are male at birth would have more testosterone t