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Showing posts from December 11, 2023

Oneness Revealed: The Interplay of Self, God, and Reality in the Universal Mind

''God, the Universe, and our very essence are inseparable. We are not just observers of the universe; we are participants, co-creators, and expressions of the divine.'' Michael Corthell   In the vast expanse of cosmic contemplation, where the boundaries between self and universe dissolve, we find ourselves tracing the threads of wisdom woven by the likes of Neville Goddard , Alan Watts , and other luminaries . Through their insights, we embark on a journey to unravel the profound interplay between our existence and the cosmos, as we explore the notion that before we were born, we were the universe itself. Before our earthly sojourn, before our first breath in this dimension of form, we were the universe in its raw, unmanifested potential. This primordial truth is a concept that echoes across spiritual traditions, embracing the whispers of Emerson's 'over-soul.' It resonates with the idea that our individuality arises from the same wellspring of cosmic consc