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Showing posts with the label veganism

Veganism and New Thought Philosophy: A Harmonious Alliance

  "Veganism, rooted in compassion and interconnectedness, aligns seamlessly with New Thought philosophy. Together, they embody a vision of a harmonious world, where love, understanding, and unity prevail." Michael Corthell New Thought philosophy and veganism may seem like unlikely bedfellows at first glance, but a deeper examination reveals a profound alignment between these two belief systems. Rooted in principles of interconnectedness, compassion, and the power of thoughts to shape reality, both New Thought and veganism advocate for a more harmonious and conscious way of living. The Interconnectedness of All Life At the core of New Thought philosophy lies the concept of interconnectedness. It posits that all individuals are interconnected with one another and with the universe itself. Veganism, with its commitment to non-violence and compassion towards all sentient beings, resonates strongly with this principle. By abstaining from the consumption of animal products, vegans ...

Perceived Differences: The Genesis of Racism

"Our shared humanity surpasses superficial differences. Collective effort and narrative challenge pave the way for an inclusive, equitable future. Embrace our commonality, reject conditioning, and dismantle the genesis of racism." Michael Corthell The innate understanding that we are all fundamentally the same is a concept children grasp effortlessly. Skin color, an obvious and superficial distinction, does not define our shared humanity. However, as children grow and navigate through society, they are often exposed to conditioning that attempts to convince them otherwise. This conditioning forms the basis for the genesis of racism, a deeply ingrained societal ill that persists to this day. Social Conditioning and Perception From an early age, children are exposed to a plethora of influences that shape their perceptions of race and ethnicity. Media, education, and even interpersonal interactions play a crucial role in perpetuating or challenging stereotypes and biases. These...

Echoes of Walden: Finding Abundance and Joy in Living a Life of Simplicity

Echoes of Walden  is FREE with Kindle Unlimited! by Michael Corthell "A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone." — Henry David Thoreau, Walden Why not choose a less complex life?  Becoming a minimalist isn't just the paring down of possessions, even though that is a the big part of it. It is also an internal state of mind. Minimalism is a road trip — a journey of self-growth. At the end of that path is a life of peace and abundance. Simplify what you wear. Do you really need all those clothes? Multiples of each type? Where do you shop? Think thrifty, think thrift shops! Money. How much do you really need ? Your work.   Please note that people who really love their jobs tend to dive into it, regardless of how much they make. If you earn a little less fewer THINGS. Food. Eat less, eat right. My advice is to consume a plant-based diet, a 100% non-animal diet. The ...

What are the Spiritual and Religious Reasons Not to Eat Animals?

by Michael Corthell What is the number one reason not to eat animals? The main principle in Christianity is to love one another. The Golden Rule, which is a guiding principle in many major religions, also emphasizes this. Therefore, refraining from killing and consuming any living creature can be seen as an act of love toward them. This cannot be denied. That is why the top reason why we should avoid eating animals is because it aligns with the principle of love. If you're seeking a spiritual rationale to adopt veganism, let's delve deeper into the subject. Here's a thought-provoking question: How did the concept of killing animals become acceptable in Western society? Interestingly, according to the book of Genesis in the Bible, Adam and Eve were given dominion over animals, but that doesn't necessarily mean they were authorized to kill them. According to Genesis 1:29, the food in the Garden of Eden was plant-based. After Adam and Eve were banished from the garden, God...

How to Save the Animals, Save the Planet and Save Yourself

    'Earthrise' Presented by  The Vegan Project The human race is and has been for over a generation, in the middle of a revolutionary paradigm shift in consciousness, one that will only change our entire global civilization for the better - a New World. Looking through history, it’s very clear that the world has undergone many of these shifts.  A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. For example, when Pythagoras proposed that the Earth was round instead of flat, the foundation of science and people’s understanding of the world was completely changed. Similarly, when the Industrial Revolution took place there was a complete shift in manufacturing, lifestyle, and economics.  A paradigm shift will literally shake a society, or an entire civilization to its core, by making it veer off its current path, and driving it toward a new one. Though it might appear the opposite in the corporate-controlled mainstream news, i...

ETHICS | The Power of Choice: Veganism or Carnism

by Michael Corthell The choices you will make today could alter the  course of your life  forever -- for both you and the lives around you. From an ethical standpoint, it is now commonly accepted that one individual's right to choose ends at the point where exercising that right does harm to another being (or shared asset such as nation or the Earth.) So, while it might be legal and customary to carelessly kill and eat animals(carnism), it is not ethical.  Being vegan is a choice, so is being a carnist. (See: BEYOND CARNISM ) Life is a series of choices I've put together the top 100 quotes on the subject of life choices, plus this excellent video that makes the argument that if we do not choose wisely, not only will we suffer, but others will suffer as well. “Some people are cowards… I think by and large a third of people are villains, a third are cowards, and a third are heroes. Now, a villain and a coward can choose to be a hero, but they’ve got to ma...