''The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.'' - Edmund Burke by Michael Corthell There is a time when the good amongst us must stand up for what’s right, even when it's risky, but that moment usually comes only after evil has already been well entrenched and has become widespread. Countering evil may be an essential thing, but it isn’t the first problem. The real problem is that it matters only after countless mistakes have already been made. And if those first mistakes had not been made, great fights against evil just wouldn’t be necessary. People do end up supporting evil sometimes because they don’t want to make up their minds at all - they don't want to think. They desire safety, they want to avoid criticism and vulnerability, so they hold to the middle of the road to avoid all risks. The majority wouldn’t initiate murders by themselves, I truly believe that, but in the name of duty, loyalty, unity, and/or the greater good,...
Exploring life's deepest questions, my blog seeks to provide practical guidance to live a more enriching life. Essential topics like mindfulness and ethics shape our perspectives. Through relatable experiences, advice, and shared reflections, my goal is to aid my readers in uncovering purpose and deeper meaning. This approach is fueled by my limitless curiosity and a sincere commitment to improving the lives of others.