by Michael Corthell In my series on phobias I found much evidence to support my belief that the fear of poverty was far and away the number one fear for people. But another fear is right up there too, and it is one that will hold you back, and keep you from finding success. It will also cause you endless worry — if you let it. It is the fear of being unjustly(or justly) criticized — having to stand there and hear those judgmental words streaming out of someone’s mouth and then feeling stupid, rejected or even depressed. ''The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.'' – Norman Vincent Peale How to handling it? I'll use myself and how I handle email as an example this time. I get quite a lot of email feedback from the people who read what I write and publish(or re-post). Much of it is positive and supportive. But there is also much criticism, and even nasty or ign...
Exploring life's deepest questions, my blog seeks to provide practical guidance to live a more enriching life. Essential topics like mindfulness and ethics shape our perspectives. Through relatable experiences, advice, and shared reflections, my goal is to aid my readers in uncovering purpose and deeper meaning. This approach is fueled by my limitless curiosity and a sincere commitment to improving the lives of others.