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Showing posts from 2024

Take ACTION! - A Simplified Guide for Creating a Positive Mindset

"By being positive of outcomes, patient, and persistent in all our actions we allow ourselves to overcome nearly any obstacle and achieve our dreams." -  Michael Corthell In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it's easy to become overwhelmed, frustrated, and lose sight of our goals. However, the key to achieving our dreams lies in three simple yet powerful traits: positivity, patience, and persistence. Firstly , maintaining a positive attitude is crucial . Facing challenges with optimism increases the likelihood of finding solutions, staying driven, and preserving hope. Concentrating on positive aspects draws beneficial energy, preparing us to overcome any hurdles we encounter. Secondly , patience truly is a virtue. Realizing our aspirations can be time-consuming, and it's vital to avoid feeling disheartened by gradual progress. Patience teaches us to embrace the journey and value each milestone, enabling us to continue steadfastly, no matter the length o

How Can Humanity Balance the Forces of Good and Evil?

''It's important to understand that the true nature of the Universe and God is found in the balancing of opposing forces—the interplay of yin and yang, positive and negative. To illustrate this concept, we can consider a coin: even though it possesses two distinct sides, it ultimately represents a unified whole.'' Michael Corthell This article explores the concept of evil and its impact on our lives. However, it's crucial to remember that our ultimate goal, shared by all—including the divine—is to achieve balance and homeostasis.  As depicted in the image above, this pursuit extends beyond us, encompassing the very essence of existence. By understanding the interplay of opposing forces and embracing harmony, we embark on a journey to unravel the fabric of the universe and our place within it. Join us as we delve into the depths of evil, uncovering the dance of forces that shape our reality and remind us of the eternal quest for balance that unites us all.  Li

Expect Good, Get Good: A 12-Step Guide to Success with The Law of Expectation

  Creating Your Best Life Starts with Expectancy by Michael Corthell  Are you feeling stuck, like success and happiness are just out of reach? Do you wish that you could attract positivity and opportunity with ease? Look no further! This guide unveils the secrets of the Law of Expectation a colorary to The Law of Attraction . My purpose in writing the guide was to keep you out of the weeds and give you a straightforward introduction to the all-important skill of manifesting your best life. Expectancy is a powerful focused tool that can transform your mindset and unlock your full potential. ''What you expect, you attract. It's not magic, but a potent force within. This guide ignites it. Imagine expecting good, then seeing it manifest? Start now, unleash the fire, and watch your world transform.''  - Michael Corthell Imagine starting each day with unshakable confidence, knowing that good things are coming your way. This guide reveals 12 simple steps, backed by the La