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Showing posts with the label Laughter

[HaHa] Jocularity Rhymes with Hilarity(and sometimes with vulgarity)

  “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” ― Charles Dickens,  A Christmas Carol Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies this improves your resistance to disease.

More Laughter, More Healing

by Michael Corthell There is  a real power in laughter. No matter how you are feeling inside, a good belly laugh will change your mood. Isn't that true? You simply can't feel bad when you are smiling and laughing. Can you stay angry?  I can’t. “Laughter serves as a blocking agent. Like a bulletproof vest, it may help protect you against the ravages of negative emotions that can assault you in disease.”  – Norman Cousins Have a philosophy to love who and what you are and what you do, as well as laugh at yourself and at life in general. And why not? You're here for a short stay, enjoy this wonderful journey. I'm not saying, not to take life seriously, but you have to accept your life on life's terms—with the right attitude. So laugh and enjoy yourself, it will not only make life more fun, it could even lengthen it.         So, what do a positive mindset and good humor have to do with healing? Many studies have shown that laughter decreases stress hormones