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Showing posts with the label Poor

What does 'Poor' mean to you?

Lack of this doesn't make you poor. Read on... by Michael Corthell What does being poor mean? It's doesn't just mean the lack of money, as we shall see below. ''As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.'' —Henry David Thoreau It isn't the lack of money that makes a person impoverished, reduced to begging for their daily bread. It is their thinking for the most part. I say for the most part, because there are always exceptions; war, natural disaster, severe abuse, debilitating illness both physical and mental etc. But, for the most part the lack of money consciousness  or lack of an abundance mindset will create a life of poverty.  Read more The scarcity mindset can be emotionally painful for people (I know, I've been there and done that!) and will create in you unnecessary fear, anxiety, depression,  and desperation....

Rich Human, Poor Human

Abundance to me is the inspired life I live, plus the highest quality of life I inspire in others. Having stated that. There's a lie that has infected humanity's thinking. It's an untruth that acts like a virus within our collective mind. And that lie is, 'There’s not enough to go around'. Gratitude (and sustainability) are the means of abundance. Just be thankful you have the ability to reduce suffering.... ''This is what you should do: love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men ... re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss what insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem''. ― Walt Whitman