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Showing posts with the label vegan

The Path to Peace: Veganism Plus Resource Based Economy

What kind of world will our children inherit?  by Michael Corthell The human race is and has been for over a generation, in the middle of a revolutionary paradigm shift in consciousness, one that will only change our entire global civilization for the better. Looking through history, it's very clear that the world has undergone many of these shifts.  A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. For example, when Pythagoras proposed that the Earth was round instead of flat, the foundation of science and people's understanding of the world was completely changed. Similarly, when the Industrial Revolution took place there was a complete shift in manufacturing, lifestyle, and economics. A paradigm shift will literally shake a society, or an entire civilization to its core, by making it veer off its current path, and driving it toward a new one. Though it might appear the opposite in the corporate-controlled mainstream news, it app...

Veganism and The Power of Plant-Based Eating!

by Michael Corthell I and many others, including physicians, dietitians, and nutritionists have concluded that the 'Eden Diet' is the optimal meal plan for humankind. Below is the distilled version of many books and movies on the subject of veganism. Included is a list of resources, that when digested with an open mind, will convince you that an all plant-based lifestyle is the way to truly live and live well. There is dietary veganism(plant-based) and there is also total veganism. Complete or total vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animal products. And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. Genesis 1:29 It is my purpose in this essay to state my case for eating a totally plant-base...

What is Nutrigenomics and How Might it Prevent or Cure Disease?

by Michael Corthell Exercise your body and give it the fuel that is good for it. Pretty simple. Basic. There are many reasons why we human beings don't do it—some refusing to even consider eating right, never mind getting some exercise. In this article, I present some scientific evidence that may help you break through those excuses and get motivated to take action and get healthy. Eating right and exercising are at the top of the shortlist of things we all must do to gain and maintain optimal health. Common sense has told us to do this for centuries, but today we know much more about how food and exercise affect our total mind/body makeup through scientific research and evidence. ''Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.''    —Hippocrates Today we will look at how positive food choices can actually change our genetic make-up for the better, by looking at ' nutrigenomics '. Nutrigenomics is the scientific study of the int...

What the HELL is Carnism?

Carnism is the invisible belief system, or ideology, that conditions people to eat certain animals and not others. by Michael Corthell It has been said that as long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields. Let me explain. Carnism is a belief system or ideology. This ideology conditions folk to eat certain animals, but not others. It is essentially 'invisible' in all human cultures.  Carnism is the polar opposite of veganism. The 'carn' means flesh or meat and 'ism' refers to a belief system. And because carnism is invisible, people rarely, if ever, realize that eating animals is a choice, rather than a given. In all meat-eating cultures around the world, people really don't think about why they eat some animals and not others, or why they eat meat at all. So then, when eating animals is not a necessity, which is the case for most people worldwide, then it is a choice – and choices always come from belief systems. As long as we rema...

The Vegan Society: Why Be Vegan?

by The Vegan Society Why Go Vegan? For the animals Preventing the exploitation of animals is not the only reason for becoming vegan, but for many, it remains the key factor in their decision to go vegan and stay vegan. Having emotional attachments with animals may form part of that reason, while many believe that all sentient creatures have a right to life and freedom. Specifics aside, avoiding animal products is one of the most obvious ways you can take a stand against animal cruelty and animal exploitation everywhere. A more detailed overview on why being vegan demonstrates true compassion for animals can be found here .  For your health Well-planned vegan diets follow healthy eating guidelines and contain all the nutrients that our bodies need. Both the British Dietetic Association and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognize that they are suitable for every age and stage of life. Some research has linked vegan diets with lower blood pressure and cholesterol,...


  Love for all living creatures is  the noblest virtue of humankind.  “Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining the peace within yourself that comes from embracing nonviolence and refusing to participate in the exploitation of the vulnerable.”  —  Gary L. Francione

[Kindness] ...saved the world

  We don’t even have to be the one doing or receiving an act of kindness to feel the positive effects. By simply by seeing a kind act, we get all the proven health and feel-good benefits. Studies also show that kindness is contagious. Whether you see, do, or receive an act of kindness, you’re more likely to pay it forward! Be positive.  Be mindful. Be grateful. Be true. Be kind  Be Vegan ! “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." ~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkein ~ The Hobbit)” ― J. R. R. Tolkien

Your Protein Source Matters

  ''I know of nothing else in medicine that can come close to what a plant-based diet can do. In theory, if everyone were to adopt this, I really believe we can cut health care costs by seventy to eighty percent. That's amazing. And it all comes from understanding nutrition, applying nutrition, and just watching the results.'' —  T. Colin Campbell The single most important thing you can do today for yourself and your world is to adopt a plant-based diet. ''The world's strongest animals are plant eaters. Gorillas, Buffaloes, Elephants and me.'' — Patrick Baboumian