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Showing posts from April 5, 2022

Who Profits the Most from War...

The United States is home to five of the world’s 10 largest defense contractors, and American companies account for 57 percent of total arms sales by the world’s 100 largest defense contractors, based on SIPRI data. The global rise was driven partially by a $9.6 billion hike in U.S. arms expenditure – the United States is the world’s largest defense spender by a wide margin. Though it is yet unclear what the growing arms investments will mean for international relations, major defense contractors around the world stand to benefit.  MORE Now let’s look at the biggest defense contractors on the BGOV200 . It’s a lot of familiar faces, but there’s been notable movement year-over-year. Raytheon’s merger with United Technologies Inc. pushed the company to the number two slot, while Analytic Services Inc. jumped 8 spots from the previous year, thanks in part to the Army’s $7.1 billion Covid-19 expenditure. These are the top 10 largest defense contractors on the 2021 BGOV200 list: -Lockh...