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Showing posts from October, 2023

Understanding The Universal Law of Compensation

''The wings of Time are black and white, Pied with morning and with night. Mountain tall and ocean deep Trembling balance duly keep.'' — Ralph Waldo Emerson This stanza from 'Compensation' conveys the idea that time is a blend of contrasting experiences, marked by both light and darkness. The phrase "wings of Time" symbolizes the passage of time, which encompasses both positive (morning) and negative (night) aspects. The mention of "Mountain tall and ocean deep" suggests the vast and varied dimensions of existence. The imagery of "Trembling balance duly keep" underscores the delicate equilibrium that is maintained despite these opposing forces. Overall, the stanza highlights the duality and balance inherent in the passage of time and the world's diverse experiences. _____ ''The Universe always seeks to balance itself, in fact, it demands it.''  — Michael Corthell None of us can avoid the consequen...

How to Cultivate an Abundance Mindset to Attract Riches

  "Embrace abundance with gratitude and unlimited thinking. Your inner world shapes the outer. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they know your true path. Possibilities are boundless; prosperity is a way of living, attracting a life of fulfillment and limitless potential." Michael Corthell In an ideal world, we would adopt a moneyless economic system like resourceism (also known as a resource-based economy). However, in our current reality, there's still a lot we can do to enhance our own lives and the lives of others. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, cultivating a prosperity mindset proves to be a potent tool for personal and professional success. Drawing wisdom from New Thought philosophy , we can discover practical steps to nurture this empowering outlook. Grounded in the conviction that our thoughts influence our reality, New Thought provides a transformative approach to achieving abundance, success, and overall well-being. Step...

Manifesting and The Universal Law of Consciousness Part One

''What we feel strongly such as love or hate determines what we manifest, and what we manifest is our reality.'' Michael Corthell The Law of Consciousness states that the world and everything within it are the external manifestations of our conditioned consciousness. In other words, our consciousness is the underlying cause and substance of our reality. Therefore, if we want to understand the nature of reality and create our desired life, we must first understand and master the Law of Consciousness. To understand and use the Law of Consciousness effectively, you need to understand the relationship between your conscious and subconscious minds. The conscious mind is personal and selective, while the subconscious mind is impersonal and non-selective. This means that the conscious mind is the realm of effects, while the subconscious mind is the realm of causes. You have the innate ability to create anything you want by influencing your subconscious mind. You do this wheth...

ESSAY: Consciousness is the Only Reality, Therefore All Consciousness is God

  '' Quantum theory, a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic level, provides some intriguing evidence to support the view that consciousness and God are one and the same.'' Michael Corthell Consciousness is the awareness of one's own existence and the ability to experience the world. It is what allows you to know that you are a sentient being with thoughts, feelings, and experiences. God is the supreme being or creator of the universe. God is often described as being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. Some people believe that consciousness and God are one and the same. This view is supported by the fact that consciousness is the only thing that we know for sure exists. Everything else, including the physical world, could be an illusion. Quantum theory, a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels, provides some intriguing evidence to support the view that consci...

God in the Grasshopper

  "Grasshopper's leap, a fleeting sweep, in nature's rhythm, secrets seep. Life's vibrant pulse, in bounds, it keeps." by Michael Corthell In the Summer of 1962, I was 9 years old. We lived in Boise Idaho. On a sunny, warm day in June. I was playing in the sideyard and two police officers came to our front door. They spoke to my mother. After they left I went to see why they were there. My mother was crying. She said the policemen came to tell her that my grandfather had died. We didn't have a phone. I don't remember how long I sat with my Mom but after a while, I went back out to play in the yard thinking about my grandfather and his death. I had just seen him a few months before when we took a trip back east to visit him and my grandmother on their farm in New Hampshire. As I sat on the dusty lawn I noticed a dead dried grasshopper. I picked it up and like I do now marveled at the workmanship that went into the creation of its body. As I was doing that...

I am, Therefore I Create: Neville Goddard's Power of Imagination

"Within our imagination lies the divine spark, synonymous with 'I am.' With belief and persistence, we shape reality, for God is our own wonderful imagination." Michael Corthell Introduction Neville Goddard , a prominent figure in the New Thought movement of the 20th century, introduced a transformative approach to manifesting desires through the power of imagination. At the core of his philosophy lies the foundational belief that God is our own wonderful imagination. Goddard taught that this divine imagination, akin to the belief in Jesus Christ as "I am," is the creative force that underlies our ability to shape reality. This concept serves as the linchpin for his teachings on the potential of the human mind to shape reality. In this article, we will look at Neville Goddard's key principles and explore how they can be applied to manifest our wishes and desires. The Creative Force Within Central to Goddard's teachings is the idea that the human im...

Unraveling the Influence of Suggestion: A New Thought Perspective

  Exposing yourself to the media is exposing yourself to the power of suggestion. Suggestion is a powerful force that shapes how we see, remember, perform, and even feel physically. Recognizing its influence empowers us to navigate life with greater insight and intention. Michael Corthell Suggestion, a potent force, shapes our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Its impact, exemplified by the placebo and Hawthorne effects , permeates our experiences. Yet, the mechanism of suggestion remains enigmatic. Exploring its depths, we endeavor to comprehend its profound implications for our lives. How does suggestion orchestrate our perceptions and responses, and how might we harness its power for positive change? These questions beckon us to unravel the intricacies of this omnipresent force. The Science of Suggestion Psychologists Maryanne Garry, Robert Michael, and Irving Kirsch have dedicated their careers to studying the science of suggestion. Their research has revealed that suggestion...