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Showing posts with the label 2021

There is Reason for Optimism in 2021

  by Michael Corthell “A time to tear down and a time to build up.” — King Solomon, Ecclesiastes Most people began 2020 with all the hope and optimism that marks any new year. Little did any of us know that a deadly pandemic was beginning on the other side of the world that would have a tremendous impact on people's lives. As we reach the end of this momentous year, millions are feeling that 2020 has been the absolute worst year of their lives. But, history has tells us that all bad things will pass, and that good days will come again. “Everything has its time. There is a time for everything under heaven.” Pete Seeger famously rearranged the words for the song “Turn! Turn! Turn!'' (To Everything There Is a Season) In 1965, it was adapted by The Byrds and became an instant hit. 2020: a time to tear down Many verses in Ecclesiastes seem relevant are a perfect fit for 2020. It was a time to die. Large numbers of our neighbors died from the coronavirus. It was a time to kill...