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Showing posts with the label asking

The Art of Asking

by Michael Corthell Sometimes we need to ask for something. Sometimes we do not. Knowing the difference is all important. How do we ask for what we want and get it? There seems to be a kind of art behind getting what we want — some people seem to have a magic wand. They seem to always get what they want. Are they magicians?  What's going on? What are they doing that other people aren't? How do they ask for what they want and seem to succeed every time? ''If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.'' — James 1:5 The art of asking: Know exactly what it is you want. This obvious question is often overlooked. Take the time to learn, figure out, or discover what you want. Once you know what you want it’s much easier to ask for it. Make sure, ask yourself why? If you don’t want it at the heart of your being, ask yourself why you’re asking. I...