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Perceived Differences: The Genesis of Racism

Perceived Differences: The Genesis of Racism
"Our shared humanity surpasses superficial differences. Collective effort and narrative challenge pave the way for an inclusive, equitable future. Embrace our commonality, reject conditioning, and dismantle the genesis of racism."

Michael Corthell

The innate understanding that we are all fundamentally the same is a concept children grasp effortlessly. Skin color, an obvious and superficial distinction, does not define our shared humanity. However, as children grow and navigate through society, they are often exposed to conditioning that attempts to convince them otherwise. This conditioning forms the basis for the genesis of racism, a deeply ingrained societal ill that persists to this day.

Social Conditioning and Perception

From an early age, children are exposed to a plethora of influences that shape their perceptions of race and ethnicity. Media, education, and even interpersonal interactions play a crucial role in perpetuating or challenging stereotypes and biases. These external influences begin to overshadow the innate understanding that we are all part of the same human family.

The Impact of Historical Narratives

Historical narratives, too often skewed by prevailing power structures, contribute significantly to the genesis of racism. Misrepresentations of cultures and peoples have been woven into the fabric of societies, reinforcing the idea of inherent differences based on race. It is imperative to reexamine and challenge these narratives to dismantle the foundation upon which racism stands.

New Thought Philosophy and Challenging Perceptions

New Thought philosophy, rooted in the belief that our thoughts shape our reality, offers a powerful tool in dismantling the genesis of racism. By promoting the idea that our shared humanity transcends superficial differences, New Thought philosophy encourages individuals to recognize and reject societal conditioning that perpetuates racism.

The Intersection of Social Justice and Racism

Social justice movements provide a vital platform for dismantling the genesis of racism. Through advocacy, education, and activism, individuals can work collectively to challenge systemic inequalities and promote a more inclusive society. Recognizing that dismantling racism is a collective responsibility is central to the progress of social justice initiatives.

Veganism as a Metaphor

Veganism, a lifestyle choice that advocates for compassion and empathy towards all living beings, serves as a powerful metaphor for dismantling racism. Just as veganism challenges the notion of superiority over other species, it calls for the rejection of any perceived superiority based on race.


The genesis of racism lies in the conditioning that attempts to convince individuals of perceived differences based on race. By embracing New Thought philosophy, advocating for social justice, and drawing parallels with the principles of veganism, we can work towards dismantling this deeply ingrained societal ill. It is through collective effort and a commitment to challenging narratives that we can pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future for all.


  1. "The New Thought Movement"
  2. "Understanding Racism"
  3. "Social Justice and Activism"
  4. "Veganism and Compassion"
  5. "Challenging Stereotypes: Teaching Children about Diversity"


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