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Oneness Revealed: The Interplay of Self, God, and Reality in the Universal Mind

"Universal Mind, Universal Oneness''

''God, the Universe, and our very essence are inseparable. We are not just observers of the universe; we are participants, co-creators, and expressions of the divine.''

Michael Corthell

 In the vast expanse of cosmic contemplation, where the boundaries between self and universe dissolve, we find ourselves tracing the threads of wisdom woven by the likes of Neville Goddard, Alan Watts, and other luminaries. Through their insights, we embark on a journey to unravel the profound interplay between our existence and the cosmos, as we explore the notion that before we were born, we were the universe itself.

Before our earthly sojourn, before our first breath in this dimension of form, we were the universe in its raw, unmanifested potential. This primordial truth is a concept that echoes across spiritual traditions, embracing the whispers of Emerson's 'over-soul.' It resonates with the idea that our individuality arises from the same wellspring of cosmic consciousness that births galaxies and orchestrates the cosmic ballet of stars.

At the core of this cosmic dance lies the 'I AM' presence, an eternal flame that flickers within us and all sentient beings. It is the essence that binds us to the very fabric of existence, reminding us that we are not isolated islands but interconnected facets of a greater whole. Through this 'I AM' presence, we are intimately linked to the divine tapestry of creation, threads of consciousness woven into the grand design.

The intricate relationship between objective thoughts and the subjective mind is where the alchemy of manifestation unfolds. In the fertile garden of our subconscious, the seeds of intention take root. Neville Goddard's teachings remind us that our thoughts, like skilled gardeners, cultivate the reality we experience. Objective thoughts, the product of our waking mind, resonate with the subjective mind, and the divine presence within us responds to this resonance, catalyzing the transformation of thoughts into tangible experiences.

In contemplating the primal act of creation, when the Universal Intelligence declared, "Let there be light," we glimpse the origin of all that is. It is a poetic proclamation that encapsulates the genesis of existence itself. From the formless void, God, the cosmic weaver, spun the threads of reality into being. This act unveils a profound truth: the universe, all matter, is an extension of the divine consciousness. As Alan Watts beautifully articulated, "You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean."

Herein lies the crux of the revelation: God, the Universe, and our very essence are inseparable. We are not just observers of the universe; we are participants, co-creators, and expressions of the divine. The distinction between self and universe dissolves when we recognize that the universe is not just 'out there' but 'in here,' within the recesses of our being.

In this tapestry of existence, there is but one mind, one reality. All is God, and God is all. This recognition transcends the boundaries of dogma and doctrine, inviting us to embrace a spirituality rooted in unity rather than division. As the mystics have whispered throughout time, the separation we perceive is a veil woven by the mind, obscuring the underlying truth of oneness.

In conclusion, the amalgamation of insights from visionaries like Neville Goddard and Alan Watts paints a portrait of existence that is at once awe-inspiring and humbling. Before we were born, we were the universe, and after we are gone, we return to the cosmic embrace. The 'I AM' presence within us, the bridge between individual and cosmic consciousness, beckons us to recognize the power of our thoughts and the profound interconnectedness that defines our reality. From the utterance "let there be light" to the recognition that all is God, we journey through the labyrinth of existence, uncovering the eternal dance of self and universe, forever intertwined in the symphony of one consciousness.


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