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Showing posts with the label Universe

[Spirit] All is One

The truth is that you already are what you are seeking. You are a single water molecule in the ocean of the Universe, which contains within itself the entire Universe. ''No man is an island'' English poet John Donne, writing in the 17th century, famously wrote that “no man is an island,” comparing people to countries, and arguing for the interconnectedness of all people with the Universe.

[All is One] Such as it is...

  We cannot harm one without harming all. The healthy 'inter-are' with the unhealthy and the wealthy 'inter-are' with the poor. We can't escape that connection.  Most human beings have been taught to believe that they are separate from other human and non-human beings and in fact all life. That is simply false. We are each other. We inter-are. The fact that we ‘inter-are’ is the great awakening we must have in order for the Earth to be saved.

All is One, One is All: Where Do All the Elements Come From?

  All of the stuff around you — your desk, computer, lukewarm coffee, your body — all of it has undergone a very long journey to get to where it is now. The different elements seem so fundamental we often fail to wonder where they came from; they just seem like they've always been there. In fact, the elements of the universe all come from very diverse sources, each with different conditions predisposing the production of, say, osmium over sodium. The figure below shows all of the different sources of the different elements. Here's what each category means. All the material objects around you are composed of submicroscopic units we call molecules. And molecules in turn are composed of individual atoms. Molecules frequently break apart and then form new molecules.  On the other hand, virtually all the atoms you come in to contact with through the course of your life, the ones in the ground beneath you, the air you breath, the food you eat, those that make up every living thing,

Are You with Me Prime Mover?

 First recognize the universe is in you -- you are part of it. Many believe it is all 'out there'. Not true. We somehow think some external force is going to swoop into our lives and save us from all the challenges we are experiencing. Again not true. The Universe is inside you, it is your partner. Two, we have to let go of what is preventing us from succeeding. When we’re caught up in the "I just need to trust the universe” state of mind, we can focus too much on the practice of "letting go" as an abstract thought. But trusting the universe isn't just about hoping we'll be saved. It's about being practical, about approaching our fears head on and learning what specific limiting beliefs we have that we need to let go of. When the desire for change is bigger than the desire to stay in our comfort zone, big things can and will happen. Three, The universe will serve you, but not always please you. For example, would really please me to get a boat load