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Showing posts with the label affirmations

Top 5 Tips for Using Self-Affirmations Effectively

''Self-affirmations can be powerful tools for our personal growth and transformation. They help shift our mindsets from the negative to the positive and transform our inner dialogue.'' Michael Corthell Personal affirmations are powerful tools that can help us achieve our goals and improve our mental and emotional well-being. These statements are positive declarations that we repeat to ourselves, usually in the present tense, to help reprogram our subconscious mind with more empowering beliefs. With regular practice, personal affirmations can help us overcome negative self-talk, boost our self-confidence, and increase our resilience to challenges. In this article, we will explore some tips on how to use personal affirmations effectively to get the most out of this practice. Choose Affirmations That Resonate With You The first step in using personal affirmations effectively is to choose statements that resonate with you on a deep level. Your affirmations should be aligne

"I Do What I Can": The Power of Positive Thinking and Affirmations

''Through positive thinking and affirmations such as "I do what I can,' we reshape our reality, overcome obstacles, and manifest a fulfilling life. Believe in yourself, for your thoughts create your destiny." Michael Corthell Positive thinking and affirmations hold immense power in shaping our reality and transforming our lives. By embracing a positive mindset and incorporating affirmations such as "I do what I can" and "I'll do what I can," we can overcome challenges, boost our self-confidence, and manifest a more fulfilling and joyful existence. Positive thinking, exemplified by statements like "I do what I can," forms the bedrock of a resilient and optimistic mindset. It involves consciously choosing to focus on the positive aspects of situations, even in the face of adversity. By adopting this mindset, we open ourselves to opportunities and possibilities that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Positive thinking fuels our motiv

How to Use Self-Affirmations

"Affirming positive beliefs is key to manifesting our desired reality. By combining intentional action and a positive mindset, we become a powerful force for change."   Michael Corthell Affirmation involves declaring something to be true and believing it to be a reality. Whether we realize it or not, we affirm our self-concept passively throughout the day. However, intentionally focusing on positive affirmations can help us create the reality we desire. It's important to recognize that our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences, and by using positive affirmations to reprogram our subconscious mind, we can change our belief system and attract positive outcomes. Nonetheless, affirmations alone may not be sufficient to bring about change, and we must also take action and make changes in our behavior and environment. By combining positive affirmations with purposeful action, we can become a powerful force for change in our lives and achieve our goals with a p

[Affirmations] are positive self-talk - a kind of self-therapy - they are healthy spiritual foods for the soul

“Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Negative self-talk and negative affirmations can (and will) keep you stuck in old thought patterns and behaviors.

Positive Affirmations for 2020

Ending 2020 with Positive Affirmations I'm a firm believer in the power of affirmations. We have reached the end of 2020 and are very much in need of some powerful positivity. So when you begin to feel a bit overwhelmed as we close out this year, use these affirmations as your guide to peace and patience.  Let's begin to heal ourselves, the nation and the world. Michael Corthell _______________________ Today, I look for the beauty in everyone and everything. (via  Heal Your Life ) I am grateful for all the good that is coming my way. (via  Heal Your Life ) Today I take a moment to count my blessings. (via  Heal Your Life ) Traffic jams around the holidays give me time to do more affirmations. (via  Heal Your Life ) I have unlimited energy during the holidays and I use it well. (via  Heal Your Life ) I share my love and holiday joy with everyone I meet. (via  Heal Your Life ) My home is a happy place to be during the holidays. (via  Heal Your Life ) Throughout the holidays, I a