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Showing posts with the label kindness

How to Curb Pride and Cultivate a Humble Spirit

by Michael Corthell When you know you're good at something, you get that sense of pride. It is very hard not to. In his early life, Benjamin Franklin was very disciplined and diligent in improving the defects in his own character.  Looking back, in his autobiography on his efforts to gain humility, he said, ''In reality, there is, perhaps, no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, [but]it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself.'' I agree, it is a constant struggle, especially among those of us who are blessed by God with many talents (and therefore responsibilities) to share with the world. ''Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength.''  —Eric Hoffer When we teach our children self-confidence, we teach them pride in accomplishment and how special they are, but often times we fail to tea

What about love?

Before he spoke the words 'let there be light' he thought 'let there be love'. by Michael Corthell The standard definition of love is an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. And there is the highest form of love. Interestingly, that kind of love is also defined as Charity which is defined as the type of love God has for mankind. It is also the love we are to show for our neighbor. It embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends, and serves regardless of circumstances or consequences. When we become enlightened we come to understand that love does indeed heal all wounds, but more importantly, we understand that love is the true reason for our existence. King Solomon further describes love this way: Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done ag

PRACTICING PEACE: 20 Ways to Become More Compassionate

"WE will have peace if WE have the WILL'' by Michael Corthell   The world needs more compassionate people to make our planet a happier and more peaceful place to live during normal times. We are not in a normal time right now, so it is vitally important that we become more compassionate toward everyone and every being. Here are 20 ways we can become more compassionate today. 1. Be selfless. Put yourself in others’ shoes. Place your happiness in the happiness of others. Instead of just thinking and caring for yourself, start caring for others. Break free from selfishness. Compassion is a great journey to go out of yourself and start caring, helping, and making other people happy. Learning how to be selfless is a great start to becoming a more compassionate person. 2. Be humble. Free yourself of pride. Stop feeling superior to others, don’t act like you know everything, admit your own mistakes, and learn to forgive people. If there’s humility in your heart, it woul

[Kindness] ...saved the world

  We don’t even have to be the one doing or receiving an act of kindness to feel the positive effects. By simply by seeing a kind act, we get all the proven health and feel-good benefits. Studies also show that kindness is contagious. Whether you see, do, or receive an act of kindness, you’re more likely to pay it forward! Be positive.  Be mindful. Be grateful. Be true. Be kind  Be Vegan ! “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." ~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkein ~ The Hobbit)” ― J. R. R. Tolkien

[Kindness] and the waves of Love

What does kindness mean to you? Am I kind enough in this topsy-turvy world?  Is it even possible to practice kindness consistently? All beings are eternally interconnected; we have no choice really but to love all and all there is. Be kind and do good for all   and that love will be felt by all. Like a small pebble thrown into water, the waves of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.

[Virtue] The meek take it all...

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” ― Ernest Hemingway Every single soul you meet knows something you don't. “These are the few ways we can practice humility: To speak as little as possible of one's self. To mind one's own business. Not to want to manage other people's affairs. To avoid curiosity. To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully. To pass over the mistakes of others. To accept insults and injuries. To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked. To be kind and gentle even under provocation. Never to stand on one's dignity. To choose always the hardest.” ― Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living

To Survive and To Thrive

 People spend a lot of time and energy fighting the devil. If they spent the same amount of effort loving their fellow men by being kind, evil would die of neglect. 

I Kind of Understand

“What I want is so simple I almost can't say it: elementary kindness.” ― Barbara Kingsolver Do you know what people really want? They want just one person they can talk to, a person who can really understand them and the person they are―who would be kind to them. That's what people really want, (if they honestly look deeply inside themselves). “When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.” ― Thomas S. Monson

Accepting Compassion

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.  Without them humanity cannot survive.” ― Dalai Lama Compassion can be painful but it doesn't have to be. Many of us hurt because when we feel connected to everything, we also feel responsible for everything. And we cannot turn away from injustice. Our destinies is bound up with the destinies of others. We must either learn to embrace the Universe as One(holy) or be burdened by it. Each of us needs to grow strong enough to love the All, but also be 'empty' enough to withstand its worst horrors. “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ― Mother Teresa

The Best Kind

Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved,  and believes in the goodness in people. What people want, what they really need is kindness shown to them when they feel they don't deserve it. That simple act, of seemingly undeserved consideration, can start a chain reaction of kindness. Nothing so rewarding and important as to make people realize that they are worthwhile. That's how one act of charity can change the world, and put us on the path to peace. “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Kindness has no religion. Religions are narrow, but kindness is like a wide open sky.

The Loving ONE

''Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your hand instead.'' ― Mother Teresa 'Who is like God?' When I ask for the gift of charity, I'm not asking for warm, fuzzy feelings toward someone who has injured or taken from me. Rather, what I'm actually asking for is to have my very nature changed, to have my character and constitution transformed to become more and more like God's, so that I actually feel as He would feel and behave as He would behave in any given situation.   ''Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.'' ― Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.