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What about love?

Before he spoke the words 'let there be light' he thought 'let there be love'.

by Michael Corthell

The standard definition of love is an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. And there is the highest form of love. Interestingly, that kind of love is also defined as Charity which is defined as the type of love God has for mankind.

It is also the love we are to show for our neighbor. It embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends, and serves regardless of circumstances or consequences.

When we become enlightened we come to understand that love does indeed heal all wounds, but more importantly, we understand that love is the true reason for our existence.

King Solomon further describes love this way:

Love is patient and kind.

Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud.

Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it.

Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits.

Love will never end.

So what about love's healing power? After all it is just some intangible feeling, right? Is it some kind of vibration? Can it influence our material world? Let's look.

First of all, we can infer that love does indeed heal because we can see that the lack of love is the root cause of many diseases. Insufficient love can make people mentally and physically ill, either directly or indirectly.

The first very striking example is 'broken heart' syndrome. It is a very real cause of death for some people. Other illnesses include, depression, substance abuse and anger issues. So, if insufficient love can do this, then an infusion of love into a persons life will logically cause the opposite to take place.

The greatest healing therapy there is: friendship, love and laughter.

Love is a mindset and it is a spiritual force, a state of mind where you can experience love for yourself and others, regardless of any outside circumstances. It is the most power force in the Universe.

There are also 'shades' of love such as infatuation and 'falling in love', which by them selves also have healing properties. It can be shown scientifically that falling in love, that deep intense start of a romantic relationship, not only feels good ,but can actually cure what ails you. Love helps release happy hormones including endorphins into your body. This surge of hormones can help beat depression, and give your body a good healing environment. 

Love's true healing power is spiritually based. It all has to do with the relationship we all have with God, whether we know God or not.  

True love, or the highest form of love — that which is called unconditional love or agape love, is an attribute of God himself and all human beings have that capacity, it is God given, we are all born with it. It is part of being made in the image of God. This love cannot be faked, manipulated or segregated. It can be denied but it can't be hidden forever.  

When we open up ourselves and let down our walls, we can welcome deep inside us true spiritual love. When we give it, we become a gift to others, and more importantly ourselves, because we cannot give love unless we learn how to love ourselves first. 

LOVE is All There Is...

Love, a low tech solution | Laura Peterson |

After a decade of working with children suffering severe emotional health issues, Laura knew that conventional methods weren't making the kind of change she wanted to see. So, she set out to change that. Laura's big idea is to reach the world’s neediest and youngest children with the simplest, most cost-effective forms of healing available - love.

Laura Peterson is the founder/director of Hands to Hearts International (HHI) a nonprofit dedicated to improving the health and development of vulnerable children.


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