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Fearing Fear Itself: The Result

  Why should people look for a conspiracy when stupidity can explain so much?   I highly recommend mixing healthy curiosity with discernment and critical thinking as a reality tonic. “Indeed, to this day, I think if you blame everything on the government, you're not just wrong, you're being reckless. It's as silly as blaming everything on the Freemasons, or the Illuminati, or insert-bad-guy-here. But I do believe that someone must ask the hard questions, especially of our elected officials as well as powerful men who become members of so-called secret societies. Remember: Governments don't lie. People lie. And if you want the real story, you need to find out more about those people.” ― Brad Meltzer, History Decoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time Fascinating: History Decoded explores fascinating, unexplained questions. Is Fort Knox empty? Why was Hitler so intent on capturing the Roman “Spear of Destiny”? What’s the government hiding in Area 51? Where did the

Riding the High Road


Pride, Life's Purpose, and Compassion

A person who has a 'why' to live for can endure almost any 'how '. “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Be Good, Do Good Be a Life Boat to save a drowning soul. Be a Ladder to lift someone up. Be a Light so others do not stumble. ― Michael Corthell

Defining Patience

  What is anything in life compared to peace of the soul? If your goal is to find inner peace it must be accepted that it is impossible without patience. Wisdom also requires patience. Spiritual growth requires the mastery of patience.  Patience allows you to more fully actualize yourself .   Never be in a hurry, because, believe it or not rushing around leads to wasting time. To be efficient, do things quietly with a calm spirit. “We shall sooner have the fowl by hatching the egg than by smashing it.” ― Abraham Lincoln

About the Plant Based Diet

  Why plant-based? It supports your immune system. Plants have essential nutrients that you cannot get from other foods. The vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants in plants help keep your cells healthy and your body in balance so that your immune system can function at its best. “Plants give your body what it needs to help fight off infection,” says Andrea Murray, MD Anderson health education specialist. “A plant-based diet strengthens your immune system to protect you against germs and microorganisms.” A healthy immune system is essential for reducing your risk for cancer because it can recognize and attack mutations in cells before they can progress to disease.

About Trust

  “Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken,  but you can still see the crack in that mother f**ker's reflection.” ― Lady Gaga (Cynical, or does the above quote reflect reality?) Sometimes, to be be trusted is the greatest compliment, sometimes even better than being loved, depending on the situation. The bottom-line in building trust is to be consistent in your actions. We must either keep our promises or not make any we know we can't keep.

In an Imperfect World

  It began to dawn on me some time ago that having a sad thought, even having a continual succession of sad thoughts, is not the same as being a sad person.  There are situations that demand we be sad, to be normal. Part of becoming a grownup adult is the acceptance of difficulty.  The other part of this acceptance is taking action to make things less difficult. Life is hard, acceptance can be hard, but doing noting makes life harder. But, (there's always a 'but' isn't there?) realize that you can have a happy, successful life if you just take action and do the work before you. Why? Because just being positive and doing nothing will generate nothing. Being negative and fighting everything that crosses your path can still lead to success. Always start, always take action. Bottom-line? Thoughts become things so... Choose The Good Ones!

Living It

  “Kiss a lover, Dance a measure, Find your name And buried treasure. Face your life, It's pain, It's pleasure, Leave no path untaken.” ― Neil Gaiman I've found that when the pain of a toothache is over, remembering that pain becomes sort of a pleasure. What does that mean exactly? For one thing it means life is a contrasting experience. I also remember that the passage of time is affected by pleasure and pain: Albert Einstein’s secretary was overwhelmed with inquiries as to the meaning of “relativity” that the professor decided to help her out. He told her to answer these inquiries as follows: “When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity.” Time's true worth is reflected only in what we are doing as it is passing by.

Basics in a Nut Shell


Hear the Cry

Bring to the suffering person your holy silence, and just listen. Why deep listening? Listening deeply by being completely focused on what a person is telling you establishes a presence -- a presence not only of mind but of spirit. In the healing process two spirits are better than one. Bottom-line. By listening carefully, purposefully, that is deeply when someone speaks we're telling them that we care about them. That's empathy. That's love. There is no mystery as to why deep listening works. Love heals...  — Solomon And as is almost always the case when we do the right things, we get something good back. Your deep listening is contagious. When we listen to others they will be much more inclined to listen to us!  

About Confidence and Charisma

Charisma is compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. Experts in sociology, political science, psychology, and management reserve the term for a type of leadership seen as extraordinary. For some background, in Christian theology, the term appears as charism , an endowment or extraordinary power given by the Holy Spirit . Charisma seems to be inborn but it can also be achieved by building positive self-confidence .  A person who is charismatic is exceptionally engaging, likeable, trustworthy, and, in many cases can seem 'magical'.  Larger-than-life personalities such as Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, and Sir Richard Branson are all known by this trait. People with charisma are assertive, confident, inspiring, and warm. They make a point of listening to others, and they have an innate grace that often stops people in their tracks.

Self-Confidence and Positive Motivation

by Michael Corthell When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. To be successful in your life, you must be willing to stand out and stand apart from the rest. You must act and be yourself.  Success is something that is unfortunately currently achieved by only a small number of people. It is my goal that all people live positive and therefore productive and successful lives. Also, in today's world you will discover, as you become successful, that there are many who, out of jealousy or envy, will belittle your achievements. No matter. When you have the courage of your convictions, nothing can keep you from becoming successful. You will develop confidence in your beliefs by doing your own thinking and by constantly being testing and revising your knowledge. Why Confidence Leads to Success: The Drive to Start Things – Confident people start things. They are not shy about striking out on a new idea e