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The Metaphysical Implications of the Mind-Body Problem

Michael Corthell The mind-body problem is a philosophical inquiry into the relationship between the mind and the body, and the nature of their interactions. It asks how we can explain the experience of consciousness and how it relates to the physical world. The problem has significant metaphysical implications and has been the subject of extensive philosophical inquiry. Solutions to the mind-body problem include dualism, which posits that the mind and body are separate entities, and materialism, which posits that everything can be reduced to physical states. However, each solution has its strengths and weaknesses and the problem remains unresolved. The mind-body problem is one of the most baffling and perplexing issues in philosophy, and despite centuries of debate, it remains unresolved,” said David Chalmers , a philosopher of mind and consciousness. At its core, the mind-body problem concerns the fundamental relationship between the mind and the body, and the nature of their inter

The Swinging Pendulum of Yin and the Yang

Yin/Yang Symbol by Michael Corthell In ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang ("dark-light", "negative-positive") is a philosophical conceptualization that describes how obviously opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as one thing like a coin or a living being has a front and back that cannot be separated. In Chinese cosmology, the One( the Universe) creates itself out of a primary soup of material energy, organized into the cycles(waves) of Yin and Yang and it is then formed into objects and living beings.  Yin is the receptive and Yang the active principle, seen in all forms of change and difference such as the annual cycle (winter and summer), the landscape (north-facing shade and south-facing brightness), sexuality (female and male), and the formation of both men and women as manifestations of the One. In Taoist metaphysics, distinctions betw

"Out from the Heart" by James Allen: A Comprehensive Review and Summary of a Life-Changing Book

"Philosophy without compassion is a mere intellectual exercise, but with it, it becomes a tool for building a kinder and wiser world." Michael Corthell This book covers a wide range of topics, from love and forgiveness to faith and perseverance, and it presents them in a clear and accessible manner. Each chapter is concise and focused, and the author's writing style is engaging and easy to read. What sets "Out from the Heart" apart from other self-help books is the author's emphasis on the importance of kindness and compassion towards others. Allen believes that by treating others with kindness and compassion, we can create a better world and foster meaningful relationships. This message is particularly relevant in today's world, where there is so much negativity and division. Overall, "Out from the Heart" is an excellent book for anyone looking to improve their lives and cultivate a positive mindset. The author's practical advice and insp

How to Manifest Your Desires: A Guide to Manifesting and the Law of Attraction

If you've ever heard the phrase "like attracts like," then you're already familiar with the basic premise of The Law of Attraction . This principle suggests that our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our reality, and that by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, we can manifest our desires into existence. While it may sound simple, learning how to effectively harness the power of the Law of Attraction can take time and practice. In this overview, we'll explore the basics of manifesting and the Law of Attraction, and provide tips and techniques for using these concepts to manifest your desires. Whether you're looking to attract abundance, love, or success into your life, this guide will serve as a useful starting point on your journey toward manifesting your dreams. Manifest (Your Own) Destiny -  The law of attraction is a powerful force that has been studied and practiced by many for decades. The basic idea behind the law of attraction is tha