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How to Develop Positive Problem-Solving Skills

"Embrace challenges with a positive mindset, develop critical thinking, and seek collaboration. Cultivating these skills empowers effective problem-solving and leads to personal growth and success." Michael Corthell In today's complex and rapidly changing world, the ability to solve problems effectively is a valuable skill. Developing positive problem-solving skills not only empowers individuals to overcome challenges but also fosters personal growth, resilience, and adaptability. This article explores practical strategies to enhance problem-solving abilities and cultivate a positive mindset toward addressing difficulties. Embrace a positive mindset: Developing positive problem-solving skills begins with adopting a positive mindset. Embrace the belief that every problem carries within it an opportunity for growth and learning. Instead of viewing problems as obstacles, reframe them as chances to develop new skills, gain experience, and improve oneself. Cultivating optimism

Get Re-Charged by Practicing Creative Silence and Solitude 

''Creativity is born in solitude. With purposeful quietness, you can hear your own thoughts and God's. You can then find the answers within yourself, and you can actively focus and act on them.'' Michael Corthell The stark emotion of loneliness expresses the agony of being alone, while the joy of solitude expresses the glory of positive creativity. Like me, I'm sure that it is hard for you to just sit still—not only sit still but to do it in complete silence. Most people's natural tendency is to surround themselves with noise as a distraction—sometimes just for the company. For any of us to make use of our creative intelligence—that is to be open to the knowledge and wisdom of the Infinite Intelligence, we must have the ability and capacity for the constructive use of solitude and silence. We must overcome the fear of being alone and silent within our immediate environment. Creativity is born in solitude. With purpos

Why Should We Practice Kindness?

"Kindness and compassion carry with them their own rewards, spreading joy and warmth to both the giver and the receiver, leaving a lasting imprint of positivity on our world." Michael Corthell Kindness is a powerful force that has the ability to create a positive impact on individuals, communities, and the world. It involves treating others with compassion, empathy, and respect, and it holds the potential to foster understanding, harmony, and personal growth. Practicing kindness is essential in today's society for several reasons. Firstly, it enhances well-being. Acts of kindness release endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, leading to improved emotional well-being and a greater sense of happiness. Secondly, kindness builds stronger relationships. By demonstrating genuine care and consideration for others, we foster trust, communication, and empathy. This forms the foundation of meaningful connections and strengthens interpersonal relationships. Moreover, kindne

The Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell Exist Inside Us All

  "At the core of our being, the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell intertwine, and we are reminded of our power to choose either state of consciousness." Preface ''I've been wanting to write this article for quite a while now. My grandfather, who was born in the late 19th century and lived through some of the most significant moments in American history—like World War I, a global pandemic, a worldwide economic depression, and another world war—used to say to anyone who would listen, "Hell and even Heaven aren't actual places. They're more like states of mind or ways of thinking." It took me a while to grasp exactly what he meant, but after experiencing my own heavens and hells and studying some, the following is my take on what I think he was trying to say.'' — Michael Corthell Introduction The concept of the Kingdom of Heaven has been approached from different perspectives, and two key viewpoints emerge: one emphasizing the Kingdom of Hea

Humankind is My Business: Salvation from a New Thought Perspective

"Embracing the interconnectedness of humanity, we realize that humankind is our business. Through compassion, service, and unity, we manifest personal and collective salvation, uplifting the world with love." Michael Corthell In the area of New Thought philosophy, the concept of salvation takes on a broader and more inclusive meaning. It transcends religious dogma and embraces the interconnectedness of all humanity. The title "Humankind is My Business" encapsulates this perspective, emphasizing the collective responsibility we bear toward one another's well-being. This essay will examine the New Thought philosophy's understanding of salvation, highlighting how our actions and attitudes towards humanity shape our own spiritual growth and fulfillment. Interconnectedness and Unity New Thought philosophy recognizes the inherent interconnectedness of all beings. It understands that we are not separate individuals but rather part of a unified whole. When we intern