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Humankind is My Business: Salvation from a New Thought Perspective

''Helping Hand''

"Embracing the interconnectedness of humanity, we realize that humankind is our business. Through compassion, service, and unity, we manifest personal and collective salvation, uplifting the world with love."

In the area of New Thought philosophy, the concept of salvation takes on a broader and more inclusive meaning. It transcends religious dogma and embraces the interconnectedness of all humanity. The title "Humankind is My Business" encapsulates this perspective, emphasizing the collective responsibility we bear toward one another's well-being.
This essay will examine the New Thought philosophy's understanding of salvation, highlighting how our actions and attitudes towards humanity shape our own spiritual growth and fulfillment.

Interconnectedness and Unity

New Thought philosophy recognizes the inherent interconnectedness of all beings. It understands that we are not separate individuals but rather part of a unified whole. When we internalize this truth, the well-being of others becomes our concern because their experiences and actions reverberate through the collective consciousness. In this context, salvation goes beyond personal redemption to encompass the elevation of all humankind.

Compassion and Service

The core teachings of New Thought philosophy emphasize the power of love, compassion, and service. When we recognize that humankind is our business, we acknowledge our responsibility to act with empathy and kindness towards others. By extending a helping hand, offering support, and showing compassion, we uplift not only those we assist but also ourselves. In serving others, we align ourselves with the divine principles of harmony and unity.

The Law of Attraction

New Thought philosophy also emphasizes the Law of Attraction, which states that our thoughts and emotions shape our reality. When we embrace the idea that humankind is our business, we consciously choose to focus on positive and uplifting thoughts. By cultivating thoughts of unity, cooperation, and love, we attract similar energies into our lives. This shift in consciousness allows us to manifest positive change on a personal and collective level, contributing to the salvation of humanity.

Transformation and Growth

From a New Thought perspective, salvation involves continuous transformation and growth. When we make humankind our business, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization. Our interactions with others provide valuable opportunities for personal growth, as we learn from diverse perspectives, expand our understanding, and develop greater empathy. By embracing the interconnectedness of all beings, we open ourselves up to a deeper level of spiritual awakening.

"Business! Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business."
Jacob Marley


"Humankind is My Business" encapsulates the essence of salvation from a New Thought perspective. It invites us to recognize our interconnectedness and collective responsibility towards humanity. By embodying love, compassion, and service, we contribute to the well-being of all. Through the Law of Attraction, our positive thoughts and actions create a ripple effect of transformation. Salvation, then, becomes an ongoing process of personal and collective growth, where we strive to uplift and elevate humankind as a whole. In making humankind our business, we find fulfillment, purpose, and a profound connection with the divinity that resides within us all.


  1. Books:

    • "The Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes: This foundational book in New Thought philosophy explores the power of the mind and the principles of spiritual growth and transformation.
    • "The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks: This book delves into the Law of Attraction and how our thoughts and emotions shape our reality.
  2. Websites and Online Platforms:

    • Centers for Spiritual Living ( The official website of Centers for Spiritual Living provides information on New Thought teachings, spiritual practices, and resources for personal growth.
    • Unity ( Unity offers various resources, including articles, books, and online courses, exploring New Thought principles and practices.
  3. Organizations and Communities:

    • Centers for Spiritual Living: Find a local Center for Spiritual Living near you to participate in workshops, classes, and spiritual gatherings that focus on New Thought principles.
    • Unity Churches: Unity churches and centers worldwide provide a supportive community where you can engage in spiritual exploration and personal growth.
  4. Online Courses and Programs:

    • Mindvalley ( Mindvalley offers a variety of online courses and programs related to personal growth, spirituality, and the power of the mind.

Remember to explore these resources with an open mind and choose the ones that resonate with you personally. New Thought philosophy is a vast field with diverse perspectives, so feel free to explore different authors and teachings to deepen your understanding and application of the concepts discussed.


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