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The Nature of the Universe: Science Meets Religion: 12 Universal Laws

Everything that exists, seen and unseen, is connected to each other, and inseparable from each other in a field of divine oneness. (see: Quantum Theory )  by Michael Corthell [NOTE: The concept of Oneness, implying unity and interconnectedness, suggests that everything in the universe is fundamentally linked.] However, the Unified Field Theory (UFT), also referred to as the Law of Fields, proposes the idea that electromagnetism and gravity can be explained as different facets of a single fundamental field. The goal of this theory is to integrate these two primary forces into a unified framework. It's crucial to understand that the Unified Field Theory hasn't been proven or definitively confirmed. Scientists and researchers are actively engaged in comprehending and constructing a unified theory that effectively merges electromagnetism and gravity. To sum up, while the notion of unity or oneness is a philosophical concept, the scientific pursuit of a unified field theo

Universal Equality Equals a Peaceful Global Civilization

"Open-mindedness and evidence-based thinking are the pillars that dismantle prejudice and ignorance, paving the way for a more enlightened and inclusive society." ''Universal equality stands as an indispensable pillar for nurturing a harmonious global society. By eradicating disparities rooted in gender, race, and socio-economic background, we empower every individual to contribute fully to their communities. This inclusivity fosters understanding, reduces conflict, and fuels collaboration across cultures. Historical examples demonstrate that societies with greater equality tend to be more stable and peaceful. Thus, a commitment to universal equality is a vital step toward realizing a peaceful and prosperous global civilization. '' Michael Corthell Opinion in the absence of evidence is prejudice, and it stems from ignorance. Forming judgments without a solid foundation of facts undermines the pursuit of truth and fosters division in society. It is essential t

Embracing Oneness: The Golden Rule and the Essence of Christianity

''The doctrine of Oneness can be seen as a unifying principle within Christianity and beyond. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings, promotes love and compassion, and encourages a shift in perspective toward a broader sense of unity. By embracing this doctrine, individuals and communities can foster a more harmonious and inclusive world.'' Michael Corthell As I reflect upon the teachings of Jesus Christ, His words have always held a profound impact on me: "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." These words have resonated with me since my early days in Sunday School, and as I have matured into adulthood, I have come to see them as the embodiment of the fundamental principle of Oneness. Through the exploration of this statement in the context of the Golden Rule and the second great commandment, I will illustrate and illuminate the significance of treating other

"As a Nation Thinketh''

  "Collective thoughts can mold nations and societies; as minds unite, societies prosper or falter. Embracing positive beliefs, nations forge prosperity, justice, unity, and sustainability, scripting destinies for generations to come." - Michael Corthell James Allen's timeless work, "As a Man Thinketh," offers profound insights into the power of thoughts in shaping individual destinies. Beyond personal growth, the principles espoused in this book have the potential to influence the trajectories of entire nations and societies. By understanding how Allen's ideas apply on a collective scale, we can explore how nations' and societies' thoughts and beliefs contribute to their objective realities. The Power of Collective Consciousness Allen's central premise is that thoughts are the seeds of action and manifestation. On a societal level, this translates into the concept of collective consciousness—the amalgamation of individual thoughts and belief

''Rejecting Authoritarianism''


The Power of Creativity: How to Use Your Creative Impulse to Live Your Best Life

'' Creativity is the spark that ignites our lives. It is the force that drives us to express ourselves, to make a difference in the world, and to connect with something larger than ourselves.'' - Michael Corthell This guide explores the nature of creativity and its role in our lives. It argues that creativity is not just about making art or music, but about expressing ourselves in all areas of our lives. When we embrace our creativity, we are connecting with something larger than ourselves and live our lives to the fullest. It also provides some practical advice on how to embrace our creativity and suggests that we express ourselves creatively, help others, connect with nature, and meditate or pray. The possibilities are endless, but the most important thing is to find what works for us and to start using our creativity to live our lives to the fullest. A Guide to Finding Your True Purpose 1. We all have an innate urge to create . It's what drives us to express o