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Healing Illness with the Power of the Subconscious Mind

The human body possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself.

by Michael Corthell

Your subconscious mind, the very gullible part of your mind that will believe anything you tell it, is there to inspire and guide you. It controls your heart, circulation of blood, regulates your digestive, takes in, (and believes everything) and releases information.

It also controls all the processes and functions of your body and it basically knows the answers to all your body's problems. It guards your life and restores you to health. It never sleeps or rests, it is active and working for you 24/7. The best part? You can tell it what to do! So why not use it?

Healing yourself is strongly connected with others.
Healing begins through loving your neighbors and forgiving your enemies.  

Your subconscious has made your body what it is and, therefore, can recreate it — it knows how to heal, through positive thought. Healing is a partnership. Healing begins when your subconscious mind believes in God's power to heal.

By developing a positive mindset and controlling your subconscious mind you will begin your journey to good health. The power of thought has infinite capabilities that once applied will empower you to begin healing sickness through a partnership with God.

The subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between a thought or a memory of an event, and the event actually occurring. So if we keep telling it a thing it will believe that thing.

One other factor to keep in mind is the 'busy factor' of healing. It is a good idea to 'take your mind off it', which means keep so busy in your daily activities that you have no time to think about your symptoms of ill health. Not consciously thinking about your sickness, frees up the power of your subconscious mind to do it's healing magic. Have a positive mindset, not a sickness mindset.

Better believe it. If you ask for something and truly believe you will have it, you will receive it. Faith is the number one ingredient in healing. ''Today, in every way, I'm getting better and better.''

Think positive. Keeping your thoughts positive is right up there with Faith. Your subconscious mind remember will believe anything you tell it. If you keep telling it over and over, ''I am well, I am healthy.'' Your mind will make it so.

Be social. Being around other people is healing. Just make sure that they are positive thinking people. Their own positive thoughts will be transferred to your subconscious and magnify your own healing power.

Meditate. Go to a quiet place and put your thinking mind 'in neutral'. Let it coast while your subconscious processes the flow of  positive affirmations of healing you've been feeding it.

Sleep on it. We have the shared experience that a problem or an issue on our mind before bedtime is resolved in the morning after the 'committee of sleep' has worked on it. The committee members are you and God. Tell yourself and God that you will get better and you will feel better in the morning. It works and Faith again is the key.

''So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer.
And if you believe that you
have received those things, then they will be yours...''
—Jesus (God incarnate)

(You will notice that He says HAVE received. You must believe that what you asked for is already in your possession. This is very important because your subconscious mind has to know it to be true, and it will then work tirelessly to make it happens)

Have purpose. You must have at reason to get out of bed in the morning. You need goals. Do you have a pet? Do you volunteer? Volunteer your time and help someone. If you give you get, it is a simple as that.

The power of the Infinite is within your grasp. The power to heal is yours. All you have to do is ask for that power and have Faith that God will deliver it.


The healing power of the subconscious mind

by Danna Pycher

Surviving an accident was the easy part; coping with the chronic pain would prove more difficult. Danna Pycher shares her story about trauma and the transformative insight she gained that allowed her to harness the healing power of the subconscious mind. [For even more information watch this TedTalk on self-hypnosis]


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