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Harnessing the Power of Your Mind: The Art of Autosuggestion

Mind Power

by Michael Corthell

Unlocking Your Potential through Self-Induced Change

In our journey to achieve personal growth and accomplish our goals, the power of the mind is a formidable ally. When we consciously decide to harness this power, we open doors to countless possibilities.

One effective technique that taps into this potential is autosuggestion, a method akin to the placebo effect. Developed by pharmacist Émile Coué at the turn of the 20th century, autosuggestion offers a way to reframe our thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions, leading to transformative outcomes.

Understanding Autosuggestion

Autosuggestion is a self-induced form of hypnosis where individuals guide their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. It involves the repetition of specific words, ideas, and images to convince oneself of their truth, with the intention of reshaping one's mindset, behaviors, and overall outlook. Just as the mind can influence the body's response to a placebo, it can also influence various aspects of our lives through autosuggestion.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The core principle of autosuggestion revolves around the adage "You are what you think." By deliberately choosing positive thoughts and narratives, we can rewire our thinking patterns. This process starts with opting for a positive perspective and then delving deeper into specifying our desires and intentions. Instead of dwelling on negatives, we can focus on positives, like thinking "I am going to be healthy" rather than "I am not going to be sick."

Steps to Effective Autosuggestion

  1. Choosing Positivity: Make a conscious choice to focus on positive outcomes. Embrace the idea that your thoughts can shape your reality.

  2. Crafting Positive Narratives: Develop affirmative statements that reflect your desired outcome. Repeat these statements regularly to reinforce their presence in your mind.

  3. Visualizing Positivity: Pair your positive affirmations with visual imagery. Envision the success you aim to achieve, using imagery that resonates with you.

  4. Repetition and Persistence: Consistently repeat your positive narratives and visualizations. This repetition helps ingrain these thoughts deeply into your subconscious.

  5. Infuse Emotion and Faith: Combine your affirmations with emotion and faith. Believe in the truth of your statements and back them with the conviction that they will come to fruition.

The Role of Emotion and Faith

The synergy of emotion, faith, and messaging is a crucial factor in autosuggestion. When you emotionally invest in your affirmations and have unwavering faith in their realization, your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to the suggested information. This acceptance then triggers a connection to the Universal Intelligence, guiding you toward manifesting your desires.

A Source of Inspiration

For many, spiritual teachings have reinforced the concept of autosuggestion. In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus emphasizes the significance of faith and belief in achieving what you desire. This wisdom underscores the idea that aligning your thoughts and beliefs with positive outcomes can indeed lead to their manifestation.

Cultivating Positive Mental Seeds

Planting the seeds of positivity within your mind yields abundant results. Instead of nurturing negative thoughts, empower yourself by cultivating positive ones. Imagination plays a pivotal role in envisioning your success and actualizing it.

Embrace the Journey

Remember, you have the capacity to accomplish what you set your mind to. The joy and fulfillment derived from embracing life with positivity can fuel your journey towards growth and accomplishment.


  1. Émile Coué - Autosuggestion
  2. Placebo Effect: Harnessing the Power of the Mind
  3. The Power of Positive Thinking
  4. Positive Affirmations and Visualization
  5. The Role of Emotion in Autosuggestion
  6. Faith and Autosuggestion
  7. The Bible, Mark 11:22-24

Embrace the power within you and embark on a journey of self-improvement through the art of autosuggestion. Your mind's potential knows no bounds, and by consciously directing its energy, you can achieve remarkable transformations in your life.


Change your mindset, change the game | Dr. Alia Crum | TEDxTraverseCity

Dr. Crum says the biggest game-changer is “YOU, by harnessing the power of your mind." She explores scientific results that show the influence of the mindset on the body, and how changing the subjective mindset produced different outcomes. Dr. Crum's work is inspired in part by the placebo effect and has implications that stretch far beyond the realm of medicine.


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