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How to Develop and Maintain a Passionate Curiosity 

Curiosity: The Passion to seek, and to know.

by Michael Corthell

To be an entrepreneur or a genius is to be passionately curious. But what if you lack the passion to know things? Can you develop it. Yes, just like anything else—'if there's a will, there's a way.'

The important thing [in life] is not to stop questioning…
Never lose a Holy curiosity.

—Albert Einstein

It keeps your mind active and healthy. Curious people always ask questions and look for answers. Exercising your mind has the same result as aerobics has on your body.

It keeps your mind open to opportunities and new ideas. Curiosity builds the anticipation of new information and ideas. Therefore you will recognize a good idea more readily when it comes.

It opens up new worlds and possibilities. Being curious will allow you to see new worlds and possibilities which are normally not visible to your old, non-seeking mind. New ideas are hidden below the surface of normal, everyday life.

Curiosity brings excitement and fun into your life. The life of curious people is never boring. It’s neither dull nor routine. There are always new things that attract their attention, there are always new ‘toys’ to play with. Instead of being bored, curious people have an adventurous life.

''Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.''
—Jesus Christ (God incarnate)

How to develop passionate curiosity:

To seek and to find, always keep an open mind. This is imperative. Just be open to learning, as well as unlearning, and even relearning. Embrace change, because things always change. We all need to be flexible with progress.

Don't take the world as it is for granted. Accepting the world just as it is, without trying to look below the surface, will cause you to lose your 'Holy curiosity'.

Be a good 'reporter': ask questions continuously and relentlessly. This is the best and surest way of diving below the surface of ordinary life. What is that? Why is it made? When was it made? Who made it? Where does it come from? How does it work? What, why, when, who, where, and how are the questions used by curious, knowledge-seeking people.

Never call something boring. When you label something boring, you close a door on possibilities. Curious people look at everything as a doorway to an interesting and exciting new world.

Keep your searches fun. Never look at learning as a burdening chore. When you think of learning as something exciting and happy, you will naturally want to dive below the surface. So, look at life through the prism of fun and excitementenjoy the process.

Be diverse in your quest for knowledge (and wisdom). Never spend too much time on just one area, genre or world. Take a look at another sources. This introduces you to other possibilities and other solutions to problems, as well as new opportunities. Read as much as you can.

In the age we are living in it has never been easier to acquire knowledge. How many times to we half-jokingly said, ''Just GOOGLE it!''?

As we move ever closer to a full-blown spiritual age, one where faith and science merge, knowledge and wisdom will increase exponentially.

Be ahead of that curve; seek and you shall find!


The Power of Curiosity: Maintaining Your Inner 4 Year-old | Richard Fidler

Richard has made a living being driven by his curiosity. In this fantastic talk he explores the 4 great mysteries of life: Who am I, really? Who are our parents? What happened before I was born? and What happens when we die?

Richard is radio presenter, comedian and former television producer best known for his hour-long interview program, Conversations with Richard Fidler and his years with the Doug Anthony Allstars.


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