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5 POSITIVE Ways To Start Your Day

''Let the light of positivity shine bright from within you, casting a warm glow on your path. Embrace its power to turn an ordinary day into something extraordinary. With each step, bask in the possibilities and cherish the remarkable moments that make your heart soar.''
Michael Corthell

The way that we start our day is extremely important.

Check out these five incredibly positive ways to kickstart your day! By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you'll witness firsthand the profound impact of positive thinking.

By starting your day with a positive mindset, you're setting the stage for an extraordinary day ahead. Embrace these practices and unleash the potential for your very best day yet.

1. When you wake up in the morning Think GRATITUDE. Take deep breaths and remember what you're grateful for (your children, spouse, your health, your comfy, warm bed, the scene outside your window). Take the first moment just to be thankful for all that you have in your life, instead of dwelling on what you don't have.

2. Don't jump straight out of bed, takes some time to meditate. Be mindful of your breath. Breathe in for a count of 4 to 5, allowing your belly and chest to expand, and breathe out also for a count of 4 to 5 allowing everything to drop away. Notice how your breath enters your body, notice how your breath leaves your body, and notice the little pause between each breath. This will allow you to create a sense of peace within and it will also help get you into a good head space before your feet touch the ground.

3. Be totally mindful in the shower and while you eat breakfast and be present. Feel the water on your skin, taste your food. It feels good and it's an amazing way to bring focus and set your energy for the day.

4. Prime your metabolism before breakfast with a large glass of water with half a lemon This will also help with digestion and is effective in body cleansing and detoxification - it will help get things moving. Follow this with a balanced breakfast to kick-start your metabolism and fuel your body. NEVER skip breakfast!

5. Get clear focus on your day. Write down what you want(intend) to do and accomplish today. Do this with full engagement. Whatever it is just be clear and stay focused on how you want your day to be. In order to create, manifest, and attract it, you must first know what you want to do and you truly need to feel it!

Most people still don't understand the power of thought and the value of having a positive mindset, because they live every day with no plan — a fixed and ridged routine, therefore they create their reality MINDLESSLY. But whether or not they're aware of it, they create their own reality with their thoughts and their behavior follows. This means that you have the power to choose to be a conscious, mindful — creator and change your reality to what you really want it to be.

Remember that, when you choose your thoughts, you choose your behavior, so it follows that you choose the outcome. Every choice you make colors how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.

So how do you want to start your day? With gratitude happiness and joy or doom and gloom? The choice is obvious.


The Power of Positive Thinking
by Helen Peterson


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