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Global Unity | What is The Venus Project and a Resource Based Economy?

Resourcesim is the belief or ideology that all of the Earth's resources are the common inheritance of all the world's people and should be shared equally for the benefit of all the Earth's inhabitants.

 I personally, along with my organization The Vegan Projet stands behind and fully endorses The Venus Project and the Resource Based Economy a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization that is working on designing, testing, and implementing a new socio-economic system called a Global Resource Based Economy.

Accepting that humanity's problems are global in nature, Resource Based Economy concept is a bold proposal that seeks to provide a higher quality of life for all, through the intelligent management of Earth's resources. 

What is required is the redesign of our culture to operate within the carrying capacity of the Earth’s resources and in accordance with the wellbeing of people and protection of the environment. This could usher in an age of collaboration, progress, and security between people and nations.

What is The Venus Project?

The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social change, one that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It outlines an alternative to strive toward where human rights are no longer paper proclamations but a way of life.

We propose a fresh, holistic approach – one that is dedicated to human and environmental concerns. It is an attainable vision of a bright and better future, one that is appropriate to the times in which we live, and both practical and feasible for a positive future for all the world’s people. MORE


The Venus Project proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new world civilization. It calls for a straightforward redesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt, and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable but as totally unacceptable. 

Anything less will result in a continuation of the same catalog of problems inherent in today's world. Today many people believe what is needed is a higher sense of ethical standards and the enactment of international laws to assure a sustainable global society.


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