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Exploring the Possibility of Jesus Christ's Satori: Insights from Alan Watts and Other Scholars.

Photo of Jesus Christ
(an image produced from a negative image revealed on the Turin Shroud)
"After considering the symbolism, teachings, and context of Jesus' 40 days in the desert, I believe he likely experienced satori or a profound spiritual awakening."


The story of Jesus' time in the desert has captivated people's imaginations for centuries. According to the Bible, Jesus fasted and meditated for 40 days and nights, enduring hunger, thirst, and temptation from the devil. This period of solitude and self-reflection has been interpreted in a variety of ways, with some seeing it as a test of Jesus' faith and others as a preparation for his ministry.

However, there are those who have suggested that there is something deeper going on in this story. Some scholars and spiritual thinkers have suggested that Jesus may have experienced a profound spiritual awakening during his time in the desert, similar to the experiences described in Eastern spiritual traditions like Buddhism and Taoism. This type of awakening, known as satori, involves a radical shift in consciousness and a realization of the unity and interconnectedness of all things.

In this blog article, we will delve deeper into this idea, drawing on the writings of Alan Watts and other scholars to explore the possibility that Jesus experienced a cosmic awakening after his time in the desert. We will examine the symbolism and metaphorical meaning of the story of Jesus in the desert, and consider how his teachings reflect the principles of satori and other spiritual awakenings. While there is no definitive proof that Jesus experienced a cosmic awakening, this exploration can offer new insights and perspectives on his life and teachings.

The Story of Jesus in the Desert: Symbolism and Metaphor

Alan Watts, a British philosopher and writer who popularized Eastern philosophy in the West, has written extensively about the similarities between Christianity and Eastern spirituality. In his book "The Two Hands of God," he suggests that the story of Jesus in the desert can be interpreted as a metaphor for the process of spiritual awakening. Watts writes, "The 40 days and nights that Jesus spent in the wilderness are not simply a factual account of a physical experience but a symbolic story of a spiritual one... The desert is the place of testing and purification, where we are stripped of our illusions and distractions and forced to confront the truth of our being."

Buddha and Jesus
Christians often say Jesus Christ was unique—the story of his life and his teachings were something totally new. This is not true. The story of Jesus, as told in The Holy Bible, appears to be strongly influenced by many different traditions--Jewish, pagan, and Eastern traditions--most notably Buddhism. There are many similarities between Buddha and Jesus Christ.

The Experience of Satori: Unity and Interconnectedness

Watts also notes that the experience of satori, or cosmic awakening, is characterized by a sense of unity and interconnectedness with all things. This is reflected in Jesus' teachings, which emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and service to others. As Watts writes, "The message of Jesus is essentially one of non-dualism, of the realization that we are not separate from God or each other, but are all expressions of the same divine reality."

The Temptations of the Ego: Confronting the Illusions

Other scholars have also explored the idea that Jesus experienced a cosmic awakening after his time in the desert. In his book "The Gospel According to Jesus," Stephen Mitchell suggests that the story of Jesus' temptation in the desert can be interpreted as a metaphor for the process of spiritual awakening. Mitchell writes, "Jesus' 40 days in the desert can be seen as a period of intense meditation and introspection, in which he confronted the temptations of his own ego and emerged with a deeper understanding of his true nature."

Transformation of Consciousness: Parables and New Insights

Mitchell also notes that the experience of satori is often described as a sudden realization or insight that transforms one's understanding of reality. This is reflected in Jesus' teachings, which often involve parables and stories that challenge his listeners to question their assumptions and see things in a new light. As Mitchell writes, "Jesus' message was not just about following rules or beliefs, but about experiencing a radical transformation of consciousness that would enable us to see the world in a new way."


While there is no definitive proof that Jesus experienced a cosmic awakening after his time in the desert, the similarities between his teachings and the principles of Eastern spirituality are striking. As scholars like Alan Watts and Stephen Mitchell have noted, the story of Jesus in the desert can be seen as a metaphor for the process of spiritual awakening, and his teachings reflect a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Whether or not we believe in the idea of satori or cosmic awakening, we can still learn from Jesus' example of love, compassion, and service to others, and strive to cultivate a deeper sense of connection and understanding in our own lives.

Here are some quotes from Alan Watts and others that support the idea that Jesus experienced Satori:

  • "Jesus was a man who had experienced Satori, or Enlightenment. He knew the truth of who he was and of the nature of reality. He was no longer bound by the ego and its illusions." - Alan Watts
  • "The desert experience is a metaphor for the journey to Satori. It is a time of solitude, testing, and transformation. It is a time when we let go of our attachments and distractions and come face to face with our true selves." - Joan Borysenko
  • "Jesus' teachings on the Kingdom of God are a direct expression of his Satori experience. The Kingdom of God is a state of perfect peace and harmony. It is a state in which all beings are interconnected and at one with each other. Jesus knew that this state of being was possible, and he taught us how to achieve it." - Eckhart Tolle



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