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Fractional Gods: Humanity's Divine Fire

''I, God Most High, say,
“You are gods, my own children.''
- Psalm 82:6

In John 10:34-36, Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6 and uses it to defend his own claim to divinity: "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came, and Scripture cannot be broken, do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am a Son of God'?"

In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, Paul tells the Corinthian believers that they are "God's temple"(the spiritual temple where God lives) and that the Spirit of God dwells in them: "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."

"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do;
 and greater works than these will he do...''
- Jesus, John 14:12

These verses show that humans have a special connection and relationship to God and are indeed like God and share divine attributes. They encourage us to recognize and accept this potential within ourselves as we grow in our relationship with both the Creator and all Creation.

The idea that human beings are "fractional Gods" is a concept that has been explored by many spiritual teachers and philosophers, including Neville Goddard, Alan Watts, Thomas Troward, and Jesus Christ.

Quis ut Deus?

According to these teachings, human beings possess a spark of the divine within themselves, which gives them the power to create their own reality and shape their own destiny. This divine spark is often referred to as the "God within" or the "Christ consciousness," and it is said to be the source of all human creativity, wisdom, and power.

Neville Goddard, for example, teaches that human beings have the power to manifest their desires into reality through the use of their imagination and the power of belief. He believed that human beings are essentially spiritual beings having a human experience and that by recognizing their true nature as divine beings, they can tap into their unlimited potential and achieve anything they desire.

Similarly, Alan Watts believed that human beings are expressions of the universal consciousness and that we are all connected to the divine source of all creation. He taught that the key to unlocking our true potential lies in recognizing our oneness with the universe and embracing our inherent creative power.

Thomas Troward also believed that human beings possess the spark of divinity within themselves and that this divine spark is the source of all human creativity and power. He taught that by aligning our thoughts and beliefs with the divine will, we can tap into this creative power and manifest our desires into reality.

Finally, Jesus Christ himself taught that human beings are like Gods and that we possess the power to perform miracles and transform our lives through faith and belief. He taught that by recognizing our divine nature and aligning ourselves with the will of God, we can tap into our unlimited potential and achieve anything we desire.

In conclusion, the idea that human beings are "fractional Gods" is a powerful and inspiring concept that has been explored by many spiritual teachers and philosophers throughout history. By recognizing our divine nature, and that God lives within us all and thereby embracing our inherent creative power, we can tap into our unlimited potential and achieve and manifest anything we desire.

References and Commentary

"Man is all imagination. God is man and exists in us, and we in him. The eternal body of man is the imagination, and that is God himself."
- Neville Goddard, "The Power of Awareness"

This quote expresses the idea that human beings have a divine nature and are inextricably linked with God. It further suggests that our true identity is not limited by our physical bodies or our human experience, but rather is rooted in our spiritual essence, which is essentially the same as God's essence. Goddard also emphasizes the importance of recognizing this truth and identifying with our divine nature in order to overcome limitations and achieve our full potential.

"We do not 'come into' this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean 'waves,' the universe 'peoples.' Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe."
- Alan Watts, "The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are"

This expresses the idea that human beings are not separate from the universe or from God, but are rather a unique expression of the whole. Watts suggests that our individuality is not something that sets us apart from the rest of creation but rather is a natural and essential aspect of the universe as a whole. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing our interconnectedness with all things and realizing that we are not isolated individuals, but rather integral parts of the greater whole.

"We are not mere pawns in the great game of life; we are centers of energy, and as such we are connected with the central powerhouse of the universe."
- Thomas Troward "The Law and the Word")

This quote explains the idea that human beings have a deep connection to God or the universe and that we have access to the same power and energy that created and sustains all things. Troward suggests that our ability to harness this power is directly linked to our awareness of our true nature as spiritual beings and our understanding of our inherent connection to the divine. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing our own power and using it in a positive and constructive way to shape our lives and the world around us.


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