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How Hypnosis and the Placebo Effect Can Enhance the Law of Assumption and Attraction for Manifesting Desires

Man, Mind and Brain
"Our thoughts and beliefs can influence our experiences and outcomes. Hypnosis and the placebo effect, along with the law of assumption and attraction, can be used together to manifest desires and create positive changes in our lives."
Michael Corthell

The law of assumption and law of attraction, hypnosis, and the placebo effect all suggest that our thoughts and beliefs can influence our experiences and outcomes. While distinct concepts, they share similarities and can be used together to manifest desires. Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, while the placebo effect is the power of the mind to influence the body's responses.

Understanding these concepts and incorporating them with the law of assumption and attraction can strengthen our ability to create positive changes in our lives. This article explores the science behind hypnosis and the placebo effect and provides practical tips for using them to manifest desires.

What is the Law of Assumption and Attraction?

Both the law of assumption and the law of attraction is based on the belief that our thoughts and emotions can attract or repel experiences and outcomes in our lives. By focusing our attention and intention on what we want, we can create a vibrational match between our desires and the universe, which will then bring those desires into our reality. This concept has been popularized by books like "The Secret" and "Think and Grow Rich."

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. During hypnosis, the subject's attention is directed inward, and their subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestion. Hypnosis has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including anxiety, phobias, and pain.

Scientific Explanation of Hypnosis

The science behind hypnosis suggests that it works by changing the way the brain processes information. Hypnosis can alter activity in certain brain regions, leading to changes in perception, behavior, and cognition. Studies have shown that hypnosis can increase the activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in executive functions such as decision-making and self-control. Hypnosis has also been shown to activate the anterior cingulate cortex, which is associated with attention and emotion processing.

What is the Placebo Effect?

The placebo effect is the phenomenon in which a person experiences a positive effect from a treatment or intervention, even though it is inert or has no therapeutic value. This effect is thought to be caused by the power of the mind to influence the body's responses and can be used to enhance the effectiveness of actual treatments.

Scientific Explanation of the Placebo Effect

The placebo effect works by activating the body's natural healing mechanisms. When a person believes that a treatment will help them, their brain releases endorphins, dopamine, and other chemicals that can reduce pain, improve mood, and enhance the immune system. This response is thought to be mediated by the release of these chemicals, which can be triggered by the expectation of a positive outcome.

How Can Hypnosis and the Placebo Effect Be Used to Manifest Desires?

By using hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and plant positive beliefs and expectations, we can strengthen our ability to manifest our desires using the law of assumption and attraction. Additionally, the placebo effect can be used to reinforce our beliefs and expectations by creating a positive feedback loop between our thoughts and experiences.

For example, if we want to manifest more abundance in our lives, we could use hypnosis to reprogram our subconscious mind with positive beliefs about our worthiness and ability to attract wealth. We could also use visualization techniques to imagine ourselves already experiencing abundance and feeling grateful for it. By consistently focusing our attention and emotions on these positive beliefs and experiences, we can create a vibrational match with abundance and attract it into our lives. The placebo effect can then reinforce our beliefs and expectations by creating a positive feedback loop between our thoughts and experiences, further enhancing our ability to manifest abundance.

Evidence about the Power of Intention

“For the last 400 years, *an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call physical reality. Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today’s world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct.”

The evidence for the power of intention comes from various sources, including scientific studies and anecdotal evidence. One of the most famous examples of the power of intention is the placebo effect, where a person experiences a positive effect from a treatment or intervention even though it is inert or has no therapeutic value. This effect is thought to be caused by the power of the mind to influence the body's responses.

Studies have also shown that the power of intention can affect the physical world. In one study, researchers found that the focused intention of a group of meditators led to a significant reduction in crime in a particular area. Other studies have shown that intention can affect the growth of plants and the behavior of animals.

Note: The emission of light particles (*biophotons) seems to be the mechanism through which an intention produces its effects. All living organisms emit a constant current of photons as a means to direct instantaneous nonlocal signals from one part of the body to another and to the outside world.

Anecdotal evidence also supports the idea that the power of intention can influence outcomes. Many people have reported experiencing positive changes in their lives after setting an intention and focusing their attention on it.

While the evidence for the power of intention is not yet fully understood, it suggests that our thoughts and beliefs can have a significant impact on our experiences and outcomes. By harnessing the power of intention and focusing our attention on what we want, we can increase the likelihood of manifesting our desires.


In conclusion, the law of assumption and attraction, hypnosis, and the placebo effect are all powerful tools for manifesting desires and creating positive changes in our lives. By using them together, we can enhance our ability to achieve our goals and live the life we truly desire.

References: *re: quantum physics

  1. Raz A. Hypnosis as a tool to enhance attention. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2011 Aug;140(3):386-93.

  2. Kirsch I. Placebo psychotherapy: synonym or oxymoron? J Clin Psychol. 2005 Apr;61(4):791-803.

  3. Benedetti F. Placebo effects: from the neurobiological paradigm to translational implications. Neuron. 2014 May 21;84(4):623-37.

  4. Taylor SE, Pham LB, Rivkin ID, Armor DA. Harnessing the placebo effect: the need for translational research. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2018 Jan 19;373(1755):20170205.

  5. Byrne R. The Secret. Atria Books, 2006.

  6. Hill N. Think and Grow Rich. Vermilion, 1991.

  7. Mendoza ME, Capafons A, Jensen MP. Hypnosis and chronic pain: understanding the mechanisms.


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