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Why Use Positive Affirmations? They Work!

Positive Affirmation

''Positive affirmations, such as "I am healthy," "I am wealthy," "I am wise," and ''I am more than enough'' are helpful in utilizing the law of attraction to manifest desirable states in our lives. By harmonizing our thoughts and energy with our goals, we attract resources and opportunities that support our aspirations and enable us to realize our full potential.''
Positive affirmations are not only powerful tools for developing a positive mindset but can also aid in manifesting our desires using the law of attraction. By repeating affirmations like "I am healthy," "I am wealthy," and "I am wise," individuals can attract and manifest these states into their lives.

The law of attraction is a universal law that states that like attracts like. This means that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality, and what we focus on, we attract. When we focus our thoughts and energy on positive affirmations like "I am healthy," "I am wealthy," and "I am wise," we send a message to the universe that we desire these states in our lives. This, in turn, attracts circumstances and opportunities that align with our desires and help manifest these states.

When we affirm "I am healthy," we focus on the state of good health and well-being we desire [2]. This affirmation helps us to manifest good health by aligning our thoughts and energy with positive experiences, like healthy eating, regular exercise, and restful sleep. By focusing on the state of good health we desire, we attract opportunities and resources to maintain and improve our health.

Similarly, affirming "I am wealthy" sends a message to the universe that we desire financial abundance and security. By aligning our thoughts and energy with abundance, we attract opportunities for financial growth and success. We can develop a prosperity mindset that allows us to see and seize opportunities that create wealth and financial stability.

Saying to ourselves, "I am wise" enables us to cultivate a state of inner wisdom and discernment. By directing our thoughts and energy towards wisdom, we draw in experiences and opportunities that support the development of our intuition, emotional intelligence, and inner peace. Through learning from these experiences, we can make improved decisions that align with our goals and desires.

Positive affirmations such as "I am healthy," "I am wealthy," and "I am wise" can play a significant role in manifesting these desired states in our lives through the law of attraction. When we consciously align our thoughts and energy with our aspirations, we draw to ourselves the right opportunities and resources that propel us toward our goals and enable us to reach our fullest potential. Karma Bonus

Forgiving those who have harmed us and blessing them with good health, wealth, and wisdom can have positive effects on our own lives and karma.

When we hold onto anger and resentment toward someone who has harmed us, we create negative energy within ourselves. This negative energy can block positive experiences from coming into our lives and can prevent us from manifesting the things we desire, including good health, wealth, and wisdom.

By forgiving those who have harmed us, we release this negative energy and allow positive energy to flow. This positive energy can attract positive experiences and opportunities into our lives, including the manifestation of good health, wealth, and wisdom.

Moreover, by blessing those who have harmed us with good health, wealth, and wisdom, we send positive energy out into the universe. This positive energy can create a ripple effect, touching the lives of others and potentially inspiring them to do good deeds as well.

In terms of karma, forgiveness, and blessings can be seen as acts of kindness and generosity. When we show kindness and generosity towards others, we create positive karma that can come back to us in the form of good health, wealth, and wisdom.

Overall, forgiveness and blessings can have positive effects on our own lives and karma. By releasing negative energy and sending positive energy out into the universe, we can attract positive experiences and create good karma that can benefit ourselves and others.

Reference: Lama Surya Das. (2009). Forgiveness and the Art of Compassion. New York: Harmony.


1. What Is the Law of Attraction? (

2. How To Manifest Good Health In 5 Steps

3. 10 Steps To Manifest Abundance | mindbodygreen

4. Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom


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