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The Goddard Series: "All the World's a Stage''

"Stage Play''
"We hold the power to rewrite the script of our lives, casting ourselves as the author and protagonist. Through imagination and intention, we shape a captivating play of our own creation."

by Neville Goddard

Edited by Michael Corthell


As Shakespeare famously said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances... and each man in his time plays many parts." This world we perceive as reality is no different from the dreams we have while we sleep. Our waking experience feels real because it follows a continuous narrative, whereas our nightly dreams seem random, occurring in unfamiliar settings and situations.

In this grand theater of existence, God assumes the role of the dreamer, bringing the play into being and portraying every character. Each person you encounter in your world is God playing a specific part for you, the author. "No man comes unto me, save I call him." Each of us is crafting our own script. If you're dissatisfied with the play, it's your responsibility to rewrite the script according to your vision. You cannot demand that the actors in your play change their characters. All transformations must occur within the mind of the author.

If someone in your world annoys or irritates you, they have no choice but to play the role assigned to them in your script. External actions cannot force changes upon others. However, you possess the power to revise a line of dialogue, replace a character, and create happy endings for subplots within the play.

Once you start viewing this waking dream objectively, you'll realize that you've authored both the pleasant and unpleasant acts in your play. By utilizing your imagination and assuming the fulfillment of your desires, you can dramatically alter the play. On a daily basis, you can revise scenes that didn't please you. The character who disturbed you today will lose that power if you rewrite the dialogue you wish to hear and reimagine their role.

When you awaken to the understanding that you are God, the Father, and the author of this magnificent play, you'll comprehend that "each man in his time plays many parts."


Who was Neville Goddard?


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