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The Golden Key Method of Manifesting Solutions to Life's Problems

''This manifesting method has its roots in the Christian tradition, but seeking guidance and strength from God, the Universe, or higher power isn't tied to any one religion. It's a universal practice that anyone, regardless of their spiritual background, can embrace."   Michael Corthell

''This manifesting method has its roots in the Christian tradition, but seeking guidance and strength from God, the Universe, or higher power isn't tied to any one religion. It's a universal practice that anyone, regardless of their spiritual background, can embrace."

The Golden Key Method, as proposed by Emmet Fox, is a simple practice of shifting one's focus from a problem to a higher power (often referred to as God) in order to receive guidance and resolution. It involves mentally affirming, "God is with me; God is helping me," with the belief that this act opens the door to divine assistance in overcoming challenges.

"The Golden Key" is often regarded as a concise and effective tool for spiritual and mental well-being, and it has been widely circulated and recommended by individuals interested in personal development and spiritual growth.

The essence of the practice is to mentally affirm, "God is with me; God is helping me." By doing so, according to Fox, individuals open themselves to receive divine guidance and assistance in resolving their difficulties.

The Golden Key can be applied to a wide range of life situations where a person is experiencing difficulty, challenge, or distress. Here are some examples:

  1. Health Issues: When facing health problems or dealing with illness, using the Golden Key method can help shift focus away from fear and anxiety towards a sense of divine support and healing.

  2. Financial Troubles: During financial difficulties or when facing economic hardships, this method can provide a mental shift from worry to trust in a higher power's guidance and abundance.

  3. Relationship Conflicts: When experiencing conflicts or challenges in relationships, the Golden Key can help individuals let go of negative emotions and seek guidance in finding resolutions.

  4. Stress and Anxiety: In times of high stress, anxiety, or overwhelm, this method can provide a sense of peace and relief by redirecting one's attention to a higher power's presence and assistance.

  5. Decision Making: When confronted with tough decisions or feeling unsure about the best course of action, using the Golden Key can bring a sense of clarity and guidance.

  6. Career Challenges: In situations involving work-related stress, job loss, or career transitions, this method can help individuals trust that they are being guided towards the right path.

  7. Emotional Healing: When dealing with emotional pain, grief, or trauma, the Golden Key can provide comfort and a sense of being supported by a higher power.

  8. Addictions or Habits: For individuals struggling with addictive behaviors or harmful habits, this method can offer a sense of empowerment and a higher perspective on overcoming these challenges.

  9. Spiritual Growth: As a tool for spiritual development, using the Golden Key can deepen one's connection with their faith and a higher power.

  10. General Well-Being: It can be used in everyday situations to maintain a sense of peace, gratitude, and trust in the unfolding of life.


Scenario: Imagine a person named Sarah who is facing financial difficulties. She's struggling to pay her bills, and the stress is taking a toll on her. Here's how Sarah can use the Golden Key Method:

  1. Recognize the Financial Challenge: Sarah acknowledges that she's facing financial difficulties, with mounting bills and limited income.

  2. Shift Focus: Sarah decides to use the Golden Key to shift her focus away from financial stress and towards a more positive and empowered perspective.

  3. Invoke the Golden Key: She begins by saying affirmations like "God is..." followed by positive attributes that resonate with her in this context:

    • "God is abundance."
    • "God is prosperity."
    • "God is financial security."
  4. Repeat and Believe: Sarah repeats these affirmations, truly believing that they can attract positive financial change into her life. She visualizes her financial situation as improving.

  5. Let Go of Doubts: If doubts or negative thoughts arise, she acknowledges them but chooses to release them, reminding herself of the power of the Golden Key.

  6. Maintain Focus: Whenever Sarah catches herself worrying about her finances or feeling stressed, she returns to using the Golden Key, reinforcing her positive beliefs.

By consistently using the Golden Key in this manner, Sarah aims to shift her mindset and attract opportunities, solutions, and financial blessings into her life. The practice helps her approach her financial challenges with a more optimistic and confident attitude.

Please note, that while the Golden Key Method is a powerful mental and spiritual practice, it's important to also take practical actions to address the challenges you're facing. Stong faith also requires strong action steps. The method is meant to complement one's efforts and provide a mental and spiritual framework for dealing with difficulties. Finally, click this link to listen to The Golden Key read by Pater Amadeus.

Comparing Manifestation Methods in New Thought Philosophy

Emmet Fox and Neville Goddard were both prominent figures in the New Thought movement and while they shared some similarities in their teachings, they also had distinct emphases and approaches.

  1. Similarities:

    • Power of Consciousness: Both Fox and Goddard emphasized the power of human consciousness and the idea that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality.

    • Importance of Imagination: They both highlighted the role of imagination in manifesting desires and creating one's reality.

    • Divine Within: Both believed in the presence of the Divine within each individual, and they advocated for the recognition of this inner power.

    • Faith and Belief: They stressed the significance of faith, belief, and the idea that one's state of mind and consciousness can lead to the realization of their desires.

  2. Differences:

    • Emphasis on Technique:

      • Emmet Fox's "Golden Key" method is a specific technique for dealing with challenges by shifting one's focus to God. It provides a structured approach to handling difficulties.
      • Neville Goddard's teachings encompassed a wider range of techniques, including methods involving visualization, mental imagery, and assumption of the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
    • Interpretation of Scripture:

      • Goddard was known for his unique interpretation of biblical texts, which he used to support his teachings on the power of imagination and the role of consciousness in shaping reality.
      • Fox, while drawing from Christian metaphysics, did not focus as extensively on the interpretation of specific biblical passages in the same way Goddard did.
    • Manifestation and Consciousness:

      • Goddard placed a strong emphasis on the idea that our consciousness creates our reality, and he often spoke about the concept of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled to manifest desires.
      • Fox, while also emphasizing consciousness and belief, may have put slightly more emphasis on the surrendering of problems to a higher power through the Golden Key method.
    • Writing Style and Legacy:

      • Emmet Fox's writings are often more structured and straightforward, making his teachings accessible to a wide audience. His work, including "The Golden Key," is considered foundational in New Thought philosophy.
      • Neville Goddard's teachings, although influential, are sometimes characterized by more esoteric interpretations and a more nuanced exploration of consciousness and imagination.

In summary, both Emmet Fox and Neville Goddard were influential figures in the New Thought movement, and while they shared common themes, they had distinct approaches and emphases in their teachings on consciousness, imagination, and the manifestation of desires.


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