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The Game of Life and How to Play It: A 12 Step Study Guide for Manifesting Your Desires

The Game of Life and How to Play It: A Self-Guided Study Course for Manifesting Desires

To Life! 

Life is indeed a grand adventure, a dynamic game where we navigate challenges and savor triumphs. This perspective empowers and alllows us to shape our journey through all its ups and downs. Embrace it with enthusiasm, savoring and cherishing each moment! And remember, just like any game, The Game of Life has its own set of rules. This guide was created to illuminate the rules and help you navigate the divine essence of the Unverse: Life!


I've created this guide with a specific focus: to assist people in leading fulfilling, prosperous, and productive lives. By understanding the fundamental principles that govern The Game of Life, we can make informed decisions that not only benefit us but also contribute to a more positive and thriving society.

Our thoughts are potent creators of our reality. Positive, constructive thinking serves as a magnet for positive outcomes, shaping our experiences. Conversely, negative thoughts have the potential to manifest undesirable circumstances. Recognizing this power allows us to consciously direct our thoughts toward the outcomes we desire, influencing our reality.

The Law of Attraction asserts that similar energies are naturally drawn together. When we concentrate on positive thoughts and emotions, we align ourselves with corresponding experiences, inviting positivity into our lives. This principle underscores the profound influence our mindset has on shaping our reality.

Affirmations serve as a powerful tool to reshape our subconscious. Through consistent repetition of positive statements related to our goals, we strengthen our belief in our capability to achieve them. This process instills a deep-seated confidence that empowers us on our journey toward realization.

Conscious language choice wields immense influence. Internally and externally, choosing positive, constructive words cultivates a harmonious atmosphere. Mindful communication fosters positivity, nurturing an environment conducive to growth and fulfillment, while also shaping our own perceptions and experiences.

Visualization is a potent technique for manifesting aspirations. By vividly picturing our objectives as already accomplished, we bolster our belief in their attainment. This imaginative exercise ingrains a powerful sense of certainty, aligning our actions and energies with the realization of our goals.

Freeing oneself from fear and doubt is crucial for personal advancement. These emotions hinder progress. Instead, trust in your capabilities and have faith in the universe's assistance. This mindset empowers you to move forward with confidence and openness to new opportunities.

Believe in the concept of divine timing - that every event has an ideal moment. Practice patience and maintain unwavering faith that your desires will materialize at precisely the right juncture. This outlook cultivates a sense of serenity and allows for the natural flow of life's unfolding.

Nurture your intuition and place trust in your inner wisdom. It frequently offers invaluable insights and guidance towards your objectives. By honing this innate faculty, you tap into a wellspring of discernment that can illuminate your path to success and fulfillment.

Foster a deep appreciation for both current blessings and those on the horizon. This gratitude generates a powerful positive energy, enhancing your capacity to draw in even more favorable experiences. It creates a virtuous cycle of positivity, enriching your life further.

Swiftly act upon inspired ideas or opportunities as they arise. This demonstrates your dedication to materializing your desires. Proactive steps taken in alignment with these insights signal to the Universe your readiness and determination to bring your aspirations to fruition.

Clutching onto negative emotions like resentment hinders growth. To advance, it's vital to practice forgiveness and release grudges. This liberates your energy from the past, creating space for positive transformation and progress towards your goals.

Sustaining a positive mental attitude is crucial, especially amidst challenges. This outlook aligns your inner energies with the vibrational frequency needed to actualize your goals. It empowers you to face difficulties with resilience and creativity, enabling you to find solutions and opportunities that might be overlooked in a negative state of mind. This unwavering positivity becomes a driving force towards your ultimate success and fulfillment.

''Congratulates on embarking on this transformative journey with determination and an open heart. It is my hope that these teachings will guide you toward a life of fulfillment and success. Wishing you resilience, clarity, and abundant joy as you navigate this beautiful game we call life. You've got this!'' Michael Corthell


"The Game of Life'' lecture by Neville Goddard

The game of life, like every game is played within the framework of certain rules, and any violation of those rules carries a penalty. You and I are playing this game from morning to night, and should therefore learn its rules in order to play it well.

"The Game of Life'' by Florence  Scovel Shinn

Most people consider life a battle—but it is not a battle, it is a game. It is a game, however, that cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law, and the Old and the New Testaments give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness. Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving. “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” This means that whatever man sends out in word or deed, will return to him; what he gives, he will receive. If he gives hate, he will receive hate; if he gives love, he will receive love; if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism; if he lies, he will be lied to; if he cheats, he will be cheated. We are taught also, that the imaging faculty plays a leading part in the game of life.


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