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Showing posts with the label Positive Mindset

Book Overview: The Game of Life by Florence Scovel Schinn

''Our thoughts and desires create our reality. To manifest our desires, we must first visualize and believe that we have already attained them.'' - Michael Corthell "The Game of Life" is a transformative self-help book written by Florence Scovel Schinn in 1925. In this timeless classic, Schinn outlines practical and metaphysical principles to help readers harness the power of their thoughts and beliefs to manifest positive outcomes and live a life of fulfillment and abundance. (Click here for the audiobook) At the heart of "The Game of Life" is the concept that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. Schinn stresses the importance of understanding that the mind is a powerful tool that can be harnessed to bring about the desired results in life. By choosing positive thoughts and beliefs, individuals can attract positive experiences and outcomes. Conversely, negative thoughts and doubts can manifest unwanted circumstances. The book emphasizes t

5 POSITIVE Ways To Start Your Day

''Let the light of positivity shine bright from within you, casting a warm glow on your path. Embrace its power to turn an ordinary day into something extraordinary. With each step, bask in the possibilities and cherish the remarkable moments that make your heart soar.'' Michael Corthell Start POSITIVE, and Stay POSITIVE! The way that we start our day is extremely important. Check out these five incredibly positive ways to kickstart your day! By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you'll witness firsthand the profound impact of positive thinking. By starting your day with a positive mindset, you're setting the stage for an extraordinary day ahead. Embrace these practices and unleash the potential for your very best day yet. 1. When you wake up in the morning Think GRATITUDE. Take deep breaths and remember what you're grateful for (your children, spouse, your health, your comfy, warm bed, the scene outside your window). Take the fi

Inspiration: ''Here are some people I want you to meet''

"The greatest gift you can give someone just may be the inspiration to become the best version of themselves." Michael Corthell The secret to living a good life is to stay positive(and believe you deserve one!), and one of the best ways to do that is by surrounding yourself with positive people. If you feel like you don't have many positive people in your life, guess what? I've got news for you: they're all at your library or on YouTube. Seriously! You can find loads of positive vibes in books or by watching inspiring videos online. When you dive into inspiring books, ones filled with tales of positive individuals, you're essentially immersing yourself in their presence. These remarkable folks, who've weathered countless storms in life, will uplift and spur you on. It doesn't matter if you reckon you know enough about them. Read and delve into their life stories. What's the common thread among them? They all possessed a "can-do&qu

Positive Psychology for a Positive Life

Focus on, and grow the good by watering the positive seeds in your personality. by Michael Corthell Previously I discussed pleasure-seeking and the minimizing of pain and suffering. In this section, I'm going to address accentuating the positive or 'selective watering' of the good 'seeds' within us all. For every insult I ignore, I grow three times in maturity. Every time I feel discouraged, I encourage myself three times. No matter what happens, I will continue to live and grow. The chief 'illness' that afflicts most in western civilization is that we don't know how to handle the suffering inside us, and we try to cover that suffering up with all kinds of 'things'. There are all sorts of new consumer goods to fill what has been called the 'God Hole'—that hole is an emptiness inside our souls that only God, our creator, can fill. The problem though, is that we, as a people, often ignore this hole or we attempt to fi

Essay: Mind Garden

by Michael Corthell The mind of each person is like a garden and each thought is like a seed and requires careful cultivation to grow. If it is not it will produce weeds, but if it is taken care of, it will blossom with beautiful flowers and magnificent fruits. This analogy is applicable to all regardless of their background or social status by the way. Just like a gardener cultivates their plot by removing weeds and growing desirable flowers and fruits, a person can also take care of their mind by weeding out negative thoughts and cultivating positive ones. This process enables a person to take control of their thoughts and their life. By doing so, they will understand how their thoughts shape their character, circumstances, and destiny. It's essential to note that a person's thoughts and character are woven together, and their environment and circumstances are a reflection of their mindset. This doesn't imply that a person's current circumstances have solely defined t

"Find and Use Your Inner Power" by Emmet Fox - A Comprehensive Guide to Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking and Spiritual Principles.

''The power of the human mind is unlimited, and once you unleash that potential, you can accomplish anything you desire, whether it be reaching for the stars or accomplishing any goal.'' ― Michael Corthell "Find and Use Your Inner Power" is a comprehensive self-help guide written by Emmet Fox . This book provides practical tools and guidance to help readers harness the immense power of positive thinking and spiritual principles to bring about positive changes in their lives. The book encourages readers to develop a deep and profound connection with the divine within themselves and to use this connection to create mental equivalents that enable them to manifest their desired outcomes. Throughout the book, Fox emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive and optimistic mindset, and using it as a foundation for all of our actions and decisions. He encourages readers to focus on their strengths and talents, rather than dwelling on their limitations and wea