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How to Develop Leadership Skills

by Michael Corthell  Qualities such as assertiveness, adaptability, intelligence, and conscientiousness are some of the most important leadership skills.  Transformational leaders , are leaders who are positive, and inspiring. They empower people and develop followers. ''A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.'' —John C. Maxwell A transformational leader works with his subordinates, treating them as a team, to identify any needed change. She or he creates a vision to guide the change through inspiration—executing the change along with committed members of the group or team. These types of leaders are more valued by their followers and their superiors because they inspire action and therefore get things done. You may aspire to be a great leader. Here is exactly how to do it: Make sure you have a clear vision. Take the time to share your vision, your mission and your goals with your group. Your job as a leader is to provi

Build Yourself a Better Body

by Michael Corthell How to build a better body? That is the question. The next question: How can you live longer and enjoy a better quality of life? The answer to both? We make wise choices about the foods we eat and the amount of excise we get. We just maintain our 'machine' properly.   Your building materials and fuel. It is certainly true that 'we are what we eat'. ''So then if I eat an all plants diet with absolutely no meat do I become a vegetable?'' No, you get a better, longer-lasting body, science has proved that. Eating right and exercising properly are the right things to do, most of us know this.  How do we start? Make up your mind to start taking good care of your 'machine'.  Set small, measurable goals that will help you get to your overall larger goal. Keep a food and exercise journal. Measuring your progress is great feedback. Stop eating animal flesh and processed junk food . Eat only nutritious wh

What is Extensionality and How Does it Relate to Resourceism?

  “The word love will disappear in the future and be replaced by a new term called extensionality , meaning you’ll enhance one another’s lives. But ‘I love you’ is just empty words that manifest nothing. It’s how people behave to one another that indicates love.” -  Jacque Fresco by Michael Corthell I would like to talk about 'extensionality' in a new sense of the word.  Extensionality in the way I'm defining it is 'love in action' or that is to say, extend as much love, care, and concern to people and nature as possible. Why do I want to talk about it? Because there is a new world on the horizon and new words are needed to adequately describe that world.  ''We live in a world with very unkind systems. The lack of caring, compassion, and concern in this world stems from the environment created by our monetary system which generates our behavior, societal norms, and traditional beliefs. Many people desire a kinder and more compassionate world. We have peopl

What is Life's Happiness Secret? CHOICE

by Michael Corthell Define happiness in terms of  living  a good life, or flourishing,  rather than simply as an emotion.  A happy life is a positive life. Life is both a serious business and a game we all play. Some of us play at it better than others, and they are the people you see smiling all the time - they are happy, and joyful in their lives. Do you want to be one of them? I believe that you do. There are some parts of life that are seemingly secret. I say secret because they are so obvious we often take them for granted sometimes. Some of us need to be reminded often, others are just naturally happy. ''The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.''   ― Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking What is the number one secret?   Choose to be happy! When you

Mind Your Language: Thought, Metaphor and Imagination

Noam Chomsky, Steven Pinker, Evelina Fedorenko,  and Daniel Dor join Brian Greene to grapple with the foundations of language.  Language ranks among the most powerful influences on human existence. Even so, language presents many mysteries that are the subject of heated debate. Was there a rewiring of the human brain which gave us the capacity for language? Or is it a human invention developed to facilitate group cooperation? Is language primarily a communication tool or the substrate of inner thought? And how is it that with a few choice phrases language can fire the imagination or transport us to the stars?

Semantics: Word Tools to Share Ideas

 '' W ords are tools, extensions of self, used to craft ideas into  reality and emotions into pictures in order to share with others.'' Michael Corthell 

GENERAL SEMANTICS: The Story of A-town and B-ville

  Semantics: the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning. The Story of A-town and B-ville (From:  Language in Thought and Action , S.I. Hayakawa.) Once upon a time, said the Professor, there were two small communities, spiritually as well as geographically situated at a considerable distance from each other. They had, however, these problems in common: both were hard hit by a recession so that in each of the towns there were about one hundred heads of families unemployed. The city fathers of A-town, the first community, were substantial and sound-thinking businessmen. The unemployed tried hard, as unemployed people usually do, to find jobs;

Why Life-Balance is Natural

  ''The Universe itself which is all that it contains, including us is a system  ―  I will go so far as to say it is, in fact, a living organism. All material systems require balance to function properly(picture a swirling galaxy or planets orbiting stars). In physiology, we call this homeostasis or that is to say, 'the same state'.'' 

[from] ''Revelation '22: Eden Restored'' Exercise 1.0 ''The Limits to Growth''

  The first exercise in  ''Revelation '22 Eden Restored'' is to read and then discuss the 1972 book "The Limits to Growth'' . <<You can download it free and/or buy the update >> '' Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update '' (we do not have a stake in the sale, in fact, The Vegan Project never asks for or accepts money). The Exercise Read the book and watch the videos Post your comments and opinions to The Vegan Project's Facebook page If you would like further information or want to comment privately DM us SUMMARY Published 1972 – The message of this book still holds today: The earth’s interlocking resources – the global system of nature in which we all live – probably cannot support present rates of economic and population growth much beyond the year 2100, if that long, even with advanced technology. In the summer of 1970, an international team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology began a study of t

How to Create a Truly Civilized World




In a Resource Based Economy All Have All They Need