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Creating Harmony and Peace for Ourselves and Others

Peace on Earth
''The quest for peace on Earth resides within each of our hearts, and it is a shared responsibility for all to nurture it.''

To bring about change in the world, it is essential to start by changing ourselves. Thus, if our goal is to attain global peace, we must first discover it within ourselves.

This is achieved through a transformation of our mindset, which consequently influences our personal lives and the overall state of the world.

In essence, to alter our circumstances on a global scale, we must initially transform our inner realm. Our thoughts, encompassing both positive and negative aspects, serve as the driving force behind our actions.

Beneath the captivating beauty that surrounds us, there exist immutable natural laws governing the existence of all things. Adhering to these laws enables us to achieve harmony and equilibrium, allowing us to foster our own beauty and balance. Conversely, disregarding these laws results in disharmony, chaos, and potentially even destruction.

7 Laws of the Universe

Happiness is not a matter of rushing through a life of intense activity, it is a life of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.
Be 'holy', that is complete. We are all 'holy', but most of us don't even know it. The universe is whole and it wraps around us and we are part of it. The Universe is all there is, it is complete. Realize that we are complete and whole as well. When we live in accordance with natural law, we live in harmony. This means to live within the truth or true reality.

Live your life from the inside out. How we run our lives is a reflection of our inner thinking. When we create harmony in our mind and body, we experience harmony in our outer world too. This means being constantly aware and letting go of negative thoughts and negative patterns of thought that may block harmony. Harmony fosters love, success, and abundance so they all can flow into our life easily.

About Yin and Yang (translated: dark/bright). Duality is found in many belief systems. Yin and Yang make up the 'oneness'.  In our Western, success/consumerism culture, yin and yang are out of balance. In American culture particularly it takes extreme dedication to balance our lives, find inner peace, and harmony. We all have to balance work and play, activities and rest, excitement and contentment, ambition and acceptance, materialism and spirituality in order to have stable, happy lives.

Live in Einsteinian reality: manipulate time. We feel rushed, we don't have enough time to do all the things we want to do. We feel bored with too much time on our hands. We create the perception of time. We can compress time by doing what we love and spending time with the people that we love, or we can expand time by doing the opposite. We must understand time to create harmonious lives. One of the keys of time is to be fully present in whatever you’re doing. It is to live in the present moment – not the past, not the future.

Know this: Expect and accept change. The number one, immutable law of nature is that things change. If you don't like that, change your mind! If we expect and accept changes in our lives, we are much more likely to live in a state of balance and therefore harmony.

'Roll with it baby' ― go with the flow. There are cycles in nature. The sun rises and it sets. The moon gets full and then it wanes. Seasons come and seasons go. There’s a time for everything. To live in harmony is to learn to live with the flow of life rather than go against it.

The Universe always seeks balance. The Law of Compensation states that for every action (cause), there is an equal and opposite reaction (effect). If the pendulum swings one way, it must swing back the other way.
''The person who enjoys great pleasure will also be subject to great suffering. The person who feels little pain is incapable of feeling extreme joy."


Your Universe: How to Achieve Peace of Mind by Alan Watts

     Alan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher who interpreted and popularized Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Watts wrote more than 25 books and articles on subjects important to Eastern and Western religion, introducing the then-burgeoning youth culture to The Way of Zen (I highly recommend this), one of the first bestselling books on Buddhism. In Psychotherapy East and West (1961), Watts proposed that Buddhism could be thought of as a form of psychotherapy and not a religion. He considered Nature, Man and Woman (1958) to be, "from a literary point of view—the best book I have ever written." He also explored human consciousness, in the essay "The New Alchemy" (1958), and in the book The Joyous Cosmology (1962).


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