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The Power of Manifestation: The Law of Attraction and Assumption

"Our thoughts and feelings are powerful magnets that attract similar energies into our lives."  Michael Corthell

"Our thoughts and feelings are powerful magnets that attract similar energies into our lives."

Michael Corthell

The idea of manifesting one's desires through the Law of Attraction and Assumption has been met with skepticism by some who argue that affirmations and meditations promoting untruths about well-being are fundamentally dishonest. They may cite notable figures who have questioned the validity of such practices, asserting that claiming health or healing when it seems distant is nothing but falsehood.

However, dismissing these practices fails to grasp the fundamental principles that underlie them. In this essay, we will explore the concepts of the Law of Attraction and Assumption, illustrating how they serve as powerful tools to shape our reality and help us achieve our desired outcomes.

The Blueprint of Desire

When we engage in affirmations and meditations, we are not speaking lies but rather setting intentions and affirming the desired harmony we seek to manifest in our lives. Much like architects designing a house on an empty plot of land, we are providing our subconscious minds with a blueprint for the work that lies ahead. The architect does not fabricate falsehood when sketching the design; they are envisioning what is yet to exist, ensuring that it will come into being.

In this way, our thoughts construct the conditions that will eventually materialize in the physical realm. The Law of Attraction suggests that our thoughts and feelings can attract similar energies from the universe, thereby influencing our experiences. By affirming positive and desirable outcomes, we are setting the stage for these outcomes to become our reality.

The Power of Assumption

Assumption plays a crucial role in the manifestation process. When we assume the reality of our desired outcomes, we are effectively aligning ourselves with the energies that will bring those outcomes to fruition. It goes beyond mere wishful thinking; it is a deep-seated belief that our desires are not only possible but inevitable.

Consider the example of someone striving for optimal health. By assuming the state of perfect health in their thoughts and beliefs, they send a powerful message to their subconscious and the universe. This assumption also becomes the driving force behind their actions, leading them to make healthier lifestyle choices, seek out medical care, and engage in practices that promote well-being. In this way, assumption catalyzes the manifestation of their desired health.

Challenging the Skepticism

The skepticism that often surrounds manifestation through the Law of Attraction and Assumption arises from a misunderstanding of the process. Critics argue that claiming something that is not yet true is inherently deceptive. However, this perspective misses the point entirely. Manifestation is not about denying reality; it's about shaping it.

The architect does not lie when drawing up plans for a house that doesn't yet exist; they are creating a vision and a plan for the future. Similarly, when we manifest our desires, we are not denying our current circumstances but envisioning a better, more desirable future and taking steps to make it a reality.


In conclusion, the Law of Attraction and Assumption are powerful tools for manifesting our desires. These practices are not about falsehood or deception; they are about harnessing the creative power of our thoughts and beliefs to shape our reality. Like architects designing a house on an empty plot of land, we create blueprints for our desires, and through assumption, we bring them to life.

By embracing these principles, we can unlock our full potential and achieve the harmony and fulfillment we desire in our lives. It is not about denying the present but about creating a brighter future through the power of our minds and intentions.

Additional thoughts

It is important to note that manifestation is not a quick fix. It takes time, effort, and consistency to see results. However, if we are willing to put in the work, the Law of Attraction and Assumption can be incredibly transformative.

Here are some tips for manifesting your desires:

  • Be clear about what you want. What is your specific goal?
  • Believe that it is possible. If you don't believe in yourself, the universe won't believe in you either.
  • Affirm your desires regularly. This helps to reprogram your subconscious mind and align yourself with the energies of manifestation.
  • Take action towards your goals. The more you take action, the more momentum you will build, and the closer you will come to your manifestation.

Remember, manifestation is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process and be grateful for all the good things that are coming your way! Resources

  1. The Law of Attraction: A Beginner's Guide by Mindvalley: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Law of Attraction, including its history, principles, and how to use it to manifest your desires.

  2. The Power of Assumption: How to Manifest Your Dreams by Neville Goddard: This website offers a wealth of information on the Law of Assumption, including Neville Goddard's teachings and practical tips for using assumption to manifest your desires.

  3. Manifesting with the Law of Attraction: A Complete Guide by Michael Losier: This book is a comprehensive guide to using the Law of Attraction to achieve your goals, including practical exercises and affirmations.


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