by Michael Corthell Worrying, worry-wart. Are you one of those? Have you been called a nervous Nellie? Do you constantly fear everything and anything from your health to how you're liked at work, to whether or not the end of the world is imminent? ''First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst.'' —Dale Carnegie Does this sound like you? Then you might be wasting your time and worrying your life away. This extreme worrying doesn't just affect your mental health, it also can ruin your physical health as well. But, there is good news, you can stop worrying and love life. It only takes three things: The decision to do something out that wearying worry, the burning desire to change and the persistence to follow through on that plan for change. ''I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe
Exploring life's deepest questions, my blog seeks to provide practical guidance to live a more enriching life. Essential topics like mindfulness and ethics shape our perspectives. Through relatable experiences, advice, and shared reflections, my goal is to aid my readers in uncovering purpose and deeper meaning. This approach is fueled by my limitless curiosity and a sincere commitment to improving the lives of others.