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[New World]...Vegan World

  It is essential for a sustainable global economy to see natural resources as an asset, and the common heritage of all Earth's residents.

[Meditation] Mesmerize me...

“Hypnosis is a normal and natural way of knowing your inner self and augmenting it with virtues like self-belief.” ― Dr Prem Jagyasi You are the writer, producer, and director for your subconscious mind's stage play.

[One Word] is all...

“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.” ― Werner Heisenberg, Across the Frontiers Quantum theory says that we can simultaneously exist in two(or more) places at once, as bizarre as that sounds.

[Nutrition]'s in your jeans...and your heart

'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.'' —Hippocrates, 370 BC(yes, this is nothing new!) It’s true: The No. 1 killer in the Western world is preventable and even reversible. Heart disease claims more than 600,000 lives per year and is responsible for 1 out of every 4 deaths. The only diet that has been clinically proven to reverse this scourge is a plant-based diet. You can find out more through the works of Caldwell Esselstyn, MD , as well as Dean Ornish, MD  and Michael Greger, MD

[Philosophy] Opinions vary...

Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson stressed that maintaining an open mind requires the ability to understand that contrary opinions are not based on ill will.

How to Handle Criticism

by Michael Corthell In my series on phobias I found much evidence to support my belief that the fear of poverty was far and away the number one fear for people. But another fear is right up there too, and it is one that will hold you back, and keep you from finding success. It will also cause you endless worry — if you let it. It is the fear of being unjustly(or justly) criticized — having to stand there and hear those judgmental words streaming out of someone’s mouth and then feeling stupid, rejected or even depressed. ''The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.'' – Norman Vincent Peale How to handling it? I'll use myself and how I handle email as an example this time. I get quite a lot of email feedback from the people who read what I write and publish(or re-post). Much of it is positive and supportive. But there is also much criticism, and even nasty or ignorant attacks. It can be

[Healing] doesn't have to be hard...

The secret of a blissful happy life consists of practicing laughter, silence, breathing and meditation  

Reducing Stress: Breathe to Heal

Mindful Breathing  does three things; captures oxygen, provides focus and reduces stress. by Michael Corthell At a marina, not far from where I sit writing this article, a message is displayed on their roadside marquee. It says, ''EXHALE, You're Home.'' That says it all as far as our society's stress and health issues are concerned. People work, are all up tight and they feel that they cannot 'breathe' until they are on vacation. What has to happen is that we all have to learn to breathe mindfully to reduce their stress all of the time. It is best not to wait until you must control your breathing.  Don't wait until you're extremely stressed out, in a panic or an arguement before minding your breath. Be prepared through practice. ''Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.''    —L. Frank Baum, Author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Mindful, (controlled) breathing not only helps your body functioning

[Carnism] Love Some, Eat Some

  A sure way to judge someone's heart and soul is by observing their treatment of not just some animals, but of all animals...and all creation for that matter. The Village Vegan  Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other. Louis J. Camuti

[Time] is a wastin'

  Beyond Procrastination:  Front-loading your work, works best. “It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

Leaving Procrastination Behind

by Michael Corthell We set goals, but then we procrastinate. We write a to-do list, and then don't follow through. This happens time and time again. Wow, what's the problem? Many of us are really good at thinking about and planning what to do, but really awful actually doing those things. Why is that? ''Do not put your work off till to-morrow and the day after; for a sluggish worker does not fill his barn, nor one who puts off his work: industry makes work go well, but a man who puts off work is always at hand-grips with ruin.''     ― Hesiod There are a thousand and one ways to be unsuccessful in life, but the surest way just might be procrastination. Procrastinators sabotage their own plans. They lay down stumbling blocks for themselves. They actually choose ways to fail. Twenty percent of people identify themselves as procrastinators. Procrastination for them is a lifestyle ― a very maladaptive one. About procrastination:

[Equality] of all lives...

“I am not an angel," I asserted; "and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself.” ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre The primary problem with our current culture is that while it honors merit, equality, and a level playing field, at the same time it also greatly honors those with wealth, power, and celebrity, no matter how they are achieved. “He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fk things up this badly.” ― George Carlin