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Resourceism: Health Care is a Basic Human Right

by Michael Corthell Universal healthcare coverage means that all people have access to all the health services they need for a good quality of life without the risk of financial hardship when paying for them. Why should we provide universal healthcare coverage for every person? ''Universal healthcare coverage is an imperative step for the United States to prioritize the well-being of its citizens. By providing healthcare for all, we foster a more equitable society where access to medical services is not determined by financial means. Universal healthcare ensures that every person, regardless of their socioeconomic status, can receive essential medical care, preventive services, and necessary treatments. Healthcare coverage for all would improve overall public health outcomes by enabling early detection and intervention, reducing the burden of chronic conditions, and promoting preventive care. It would alleviate financial burdens on families and individuals, preventing med

The POWER of Positive Persistence

Persistence and determination are all-powerful.  by Michael Corthell Persistence in the face of negative people. We all have to deal with it in our daily lives. Very often the very first thing we have to overcome on the path to achievement is another person's lack of optimism and enthusiasm. If I had to choose one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being the most likely to bring me success, in any field, I would choose persistence. Persistent determination: the will to endure to the end, getting knocked down ninety-nine times and getting right back up for the hundredth. "Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of th

The Golden Universal Precept of Love for Others

'' Love for others is a fundamental principle found at the core of almost every major religion. It entails desiring the same positive things for others as we do for ourselves. Not loving others attracts negativity into our lives - it is as simple and straightforward as that.'' Michael Corthell The idea of loving others and treating them with kindness and compassion is indeed a common theme in many major religions and ethical systems. While the specific wording or emphasis may differ, the underlying principle of caring for others and promoting their well-being is widely recognized. In Christianity, for example, Jesus taught his followers to love their neighbors as themselves and even to love their enemies. In Islam, the concept of "Ihsan" encourages Muslims to do good and show kindness to others. Buddhism promotes the idea of "Metta" or loving-kindness, which involves cultivating a compassionate and loving attitude towards all beings. Similarly, other

Creating Harmony and Peace for Ourselves and Others

''The quest for peace on Earth resides within each of our hearts, and it is a shared responsibility for all to nurture it.'' MichaelCorthell To bring about change in the world, it is essential to start by changing ourselves. Thus, if our goal is to attain global peace, we must first discover it within ourselves. This is achieved through a transformation of our mindset , which consequently influences our personal lives and the overall state of the world. In essence, to alter our circumstances on a global scale, we must initially transform our inner realm. Our thoughts, encompassing both positive and negative aspects , serve as the driving force behind our actions. Beneath the captivating beauty that surrounds us, there exist immutable natural laws governing the existence of all things. Adhering to these laws enables us to achieve harmony and equilibrium, allowing us to foster our own beauty and balance. Conversely, disregarding these laws results

Essay: 'Turn-Back' Moments

"We learn from the past, we embrace the present, and then shape the future." Michael Corthell Life can be a rollercoaster ride with its fair share of ups and downs. While we can't change the past, we often find ourselves looking back at certain moments in our lives and wishing we could have done things differently. These moments are what we call "turn-back moments." They're those times when we wish we could rewind time and make different choices. One of the most common areas where people experience these turn-back moments is in their careers. We spend a significant portion of our lives working, and it's natural to feel like we're not on the right path sometimes. We may look back and regret not taking a job offer or wish we'd pursued a different career path. But dwelling on those regrets won't help us move forward. Instead, we can use those experiences to make better choices in the future. We can identify what we want and take steps to get th

How to Use Self-Affirmations

"Affirming positive beliefs is key to manifesting our desired reality. By combining intentional action and a positive mindset, we become a powerful force for change."   Michael Corthell Affirmation involves declaring something to be true and believing it to be a reality. Whether we realize it or not, we affirm our self-concept passively throughout the day. However, intentionally focusing on positive affirmations can help us create the reality we desire. It's important to recognize that our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences, and by using positive affirmations to reprogram our subconscious mind, we can change our belief system and attract positive outcomes. Nonetheless, affirmations alone may not be sufficient to bring about change, and we must also take action and make changes in our behavior and environment. By combining positive affirmations with purposeful action, we can become a powerful force for change in our lives and achieve our goals with a p

Quantum Zen: The Universe is Full of Magic!

"The Universe is a magical place, filled with infinite wonders and mysteries waiting to be explored. It's a reminder that there's always something more out there and that the possibilities for discovery are endless." Michael Corthell Quantum Zen is a spiritual philosophy that combines the principles of quantum mechanics and Zen Buddhism. It suggests that the interconnectedness and indeterminate nature of the subatomic world can be used as a metaphor for understanding the nature of reality and the self. Practitioners of Quantum Zen may use meditation, visualization, and other techniques to deepen their understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and the role of consciousness in shaping the universe. We are all the leaves of one tree, We are all the waves of one sea, We are all the stars of one sky. The time has come for all to live as one. — Thich Nhat Hanh Common sense suggests that all life originated from a single divine spark that was set in motion by t