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The Universal Law of Cause and Effect | The Basics

Doing right gets good results, doing wrong gets bad results.  If your attitude reeks of ill-will that's most likely what you'll attract. by Michael Corthell The law of cause and effect is one of the 12 universal laws of the universe. (The videos at the end give you an overview of this and all the universal laws.) The law of cause and effect states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we "reap what we have sown." Studying causes and their effects is simply an attempt to understand why things happen as they do. Many professions do this—accident investigators, scientists, historians, doctors, newspaper reporters, automobile mechanics, educators, police detectives, to name a few. All these disciplines spend considerable amount of time trying to understand the causes and effects of both human behavior and natural phenomena to gain better control over events and over societal behavior.

How to Deal with Change

Seasons Change and So Do We Michael Corthell "The beauty of change is found in its ability to reveal the resilience and adaptability within us." Change is an inevitable aspect of life, whether we embrace it or not. The more we resist change, the more we experience pain. Buddhism recognizes the inherent beauty in the transformative nature of existence. It compares life to music, where if a note or phrase is clung to beyond its intended duration, the melody is lost. Therefore, Buddhism can be summarized in two simple phrases: "Let go!" and "Walk on!" Release the desire for self, for permanence, and for specific circumstances, and instead flow with the rhythm of life. Our first reaction to the unexpected change is usually quite negative. Feeling vulnerable and maybe even threatened, we can react badly. In fact, we go through stages: Surprise (shock, wondering why this is happening to us.), Panic (how the changes will impact us and if we'll be abl

How to Find the Light of the Truth

"The light of the truth is an emanation of Infinite intelligence. It encompasses boundless illumination, leading us to spiritual awakening, profound understanding, and an intimate connection with the divine." Michael Corthell Can anyone know the truth? Some of the greatest minds of every era in history have attempted to answer that question. The slippery nature of the 'truth' has been a favorite theme of history's great poets and authors, especially Shakespeare who was enamored with it. Read any one of his tragedies, and you'll notice how often the plot turns on the fumbling of an important truth. The idea of fumbling a truth brings us to; is a truth relative or absolute? In our western culture especially, many people have argued there is no such thing as absolute truth. Is there such a thing as absolute truth? My answer is yes there is. For example, 2+2=4 is an absolute mathematical truth. The only way it cannot be perceived as absolute truth, is

Understanding The Law of Attraction and How to Use It to Create the Life You Deserve

"Align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with positivity. Embrace gratitude, visualize your desires, and take inspired steps. Trust the process, cultivate patience, and create a vibrant, joyful, and abundant life through the Law of Attraction." Michael Corthell In this blog article, I've distilled the Law of Attraction down to its basics. Together, we will dive into its essence and uncover the power it holds. Join me as I provide a simplified, step-by-step guide to practicing it wholeheartedly for optimal results in manifesting abundance and fulfillment. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that empowers you to create a life filled with vibrant health, boundless joy, and abundant prosperity. Embrace its principles and integrate them into your daily life. As you align your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions with your desires, you become a co-creator of your reality, attracting all that you wish to experience. Embrace the journey, trust the process, and celeb

The Cultivation of Hope

''The radiant glow of the eternal Light remains unwavering, whispering with gentle conviction, "I AM the beacon of hope, illuminating the path forward." Embrace its brilliance and embrace a brighter future.'' Michael Corthell To first define what hope is and how to have it, let's start with what hope is not. Let's look at hopelessness. Here is how one person felt during a period of deep depression. ''The future vanished completely, plunging everything into darkness. A profound sense of emptiness prevailed, stripping away any meaning. Memories of joy or success were overshadowed by regrets and failures. The present seemed devoid of positivity, and the future held no hope. I felt lost, with no guiding compass or center. However, emerging from that darkness, everything appeared different. What I once valued most seemed insignificant, while what I overlooked became essential. Money and career success faded to the sidelines, while relationship

To Be Truly Happy, Be Truly Grateful

"Gratitude is a choice that leads to a positive mindset, opening doors to divine love and abundance. Forgiveness and faith amplify our blessings, allowing us to embrace life's experiences with heartfelt appreciation." Michael Corthell I deeply appreciate my life in its entirety, along with every individual and aspect that has played a role in it. The totality of my experiences has shaped me into the person I am today, and for that, I am truly grateful. Now, let's explore the reasons behind gratitude. Why should we choose to be grateful? When I was younger, though not too long ago, I didn't truly comprehend the essence of genuine gratitude. However, as time passed, I came to understand its significance. Gratitude is a conscious choice, just like adopting a positive mindset. In fact, practicing gratitude directly leads to cultivating a positive outlook on life. Naturally, I wasn't inclined towards being a thankful person, so it took considerable time