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Showing posts with the label positive thinking

"I Do What I Can": The Power of Positive Thinking and Affirmations

''Through positive thinking and affirmations such as "I do what I can,' we reshape our reality, overcome obstacles, and manifest a fulfilling life. Believe in yourself, for your thoughts create your destiny." Michael Corthell Positive thinking and affirmations hold immense power in shaping our reality and transforming our lives. By embracing a positive mindset and incorporating affirmations such as "I do what I can" and "I'll do what I can," we can overcome challenges, boost our self-confidence, and manifest a more fulfilling and joyful existence. Positive thinking, exemplified by statements like "I do what I can," forms the bedrock of a resilient and optimistic mindset. It involves consciously choosing to focus on the positive aspects of situations, even in the face of adversity. By adopting this mindset, we open ourselves to opportunities and possibilities that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Positive thinking fuels our motiv

Exploring the Connection Between Homeostasis and the Mind-Body Healing Process

"Through the power of faith, positive thinking, and the subconscious mind, we can unlock the connection between homeostasis and healing, tapping into our innate capacity for self-restoration and holistic well-being." Michael Corthell Within the areas of spirituality and personal development, profound teachings from figures like Jesus Christ, Mary Baker Eddy , and other proponents of New Thought emphasize the potential connection between homeostasis and the mind-body healing process.  By delving deeper into the concepts of faith, positive thinking , and the subconscious mind, and exploring potential underlying mechanisms, we can shed light on how these elements influence physiological processes and facilitate healing. This article aims to explore the transformative power of faith and the subconscious mind, as well as the role of positive thinking, in promoting homeostasis and facilitating healing responses within the body. Faith: Igniting the Healing Spark Faith, often regar

Inspiration: ''Here are some people I want you to meet''

"The greatest gift you can give someone just may be the inspiration to become the best version of themselves." Michael Corthell The secret to living a good life is to stay positive(and believe you deserve one!), and one of the best ways to do that is by surrounding yourself with positive people. If you feel like you don't have many positive people in your life, guess what? I've got news for you: they're all at your library or on YouTube. Seriously! You can find loads of positive vibes in books or by watching inspiring videos online. When you dive into inspiring books, ones filled with tales of positive individuals, you're essentially immersing yourself in their presence. These remarkable folks, who've weathered countless storms in life, will uplift and spur you on. It doesn't matter if you reckon you know enough about them. Read and delve into their life stories. What's the common thread among them? They all possessed a "can-do&qu

"The Game of Life and How to Play It: Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking and the Subconscious Mind"

"Life can be seen as a battle, but I think it's more like a dance or a game. It's a dance because the point of life is to enjoy it - it's not a destination, and a game because we can either win by finding happiness and fulfillment or lose by living in fear and hate." ―   Michael Corthell Florence Scovel Shinn Published in 1925, "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn is a timeless classic that has inspired countless readers to adopt a more positive and spiritual approach to life. The book presents a unique philosophy on how to overcome challenges and achieve one's goals by applying spiritual principles. In this article, we will summarize the key themes of the book, highlight some of its practical insights, and explore why it continues to resonate with readers today. "Make an affirmation immediately upon waking. For example: "Thy will be done this day! Today is a day of completion, I give thanks for this perfect day,

Healing Illness with the Power of the Subconscious Mind

The human body possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself. by Michael Corthell Your subconscious mind, the very gullible part of your mind that will believe anything you tell it, is there to inspire and guide you. It controls your heart, circulation of blood, regulates your digestive, takes in, (and believes everything) and releases information. It also controls all the processes and functions of your body and it basically knows the answers to all your body's problems. It guards your life and restores you to health. It never sleeps or rests, it is active and working for you 24/7. The best part? You can tell it what to do! So why not use it? Healing yourself is strongly connected with others. Healing begins through loving your neighbors and forgiving your enemies.   Your subconscious has made your body what it is and, therefore, can recreate it — it knows how to heal, through positive thought. Healing is a partnership. Healing begins

How Do I Stop Being Negative

by Michael Corthell “Start now to observe all of your unpleasant, negative thoughts and change them, for until you separate yourself from the state from which these thoughts flow, they will continue to cause you to have the same experiences in life.” – Neville Goddard How To Stop Being Negative Some people, including many medical practitioners, believe that negative thinking stems from a defensive reaction. That it is the outgrowth of prevention.  It is a  defense mechanism that causes a person to look for what is wrong so that they can protect themselves from danger, but it is a very dangerous strategy by itself because our thoughts actually become things—thoughts create reality—have a negative mindset, get a negative reality. So instead of preventing bad things from happening, these negative thoughts are telling the subconscious mind to manifest them. Always dwelling on the darkness creates more darkness. The good news is, that just the opposite is true also. Negative th

How to Train Your Mind to Produce Positive Internal Dialogue

  ''To be either positive or negative-minded is a choice and the decision to turn on those positive thinking vibes could be the most important choice you ever make in your entire life.'' - Michael Corthell ____________________ The  National Science Foundation  reports our brain produces as many as 50,000 thoughts per day, with a majority being inner dialogue.  In fact, we talk to ourselves most of the time. And our self-talks have become one of the main factors that influenced our overall mindset, our actions, and ultimately, the results we get in life. Below is a brief overview of how to retrain your brain to think positively and limit the negative conversations we have with ourselves. For a more in-depth look see:  ''Self-Talk Creates Reality'' ______________________  ''Positive Self-Talk'' What is positive self-talk? Our internal dialogues, or “self-talk,” can shape our beliefs and influence our emotions and behavior, and provide assur

No Worries: Living in Day-Tight Compartments

by Michael Corthell How much time and energy do you spend worrying about tomorrow? Do you worry about what will happen next week? Or, what will happen next year? You can plan your life out, but you still need to manage the present. ''Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.'' —Thomas Carlyle What worries you? The future? Today is a safe place.  It is a place to live securely to plan an even better tomorrow. How can you live in 'day-tight compartments' to turn the tide against worry and make yourself productive? Here are some of the basics: Love yourself. When we are worried about a big problem there are people who will support us and those who won't. Listen and feel the energy of those who support you. Reject the ones who don't.  Then give yourself a hug. Use positive affirmations and tell your subconscious mind all positives about yourself. Always keep your sense of h