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Finding Joy and Having a Wonderful Life

In 'It's a Wonderful Life'  An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.  We are all on Earth for a reason  Think of your past and give yourself credit for the good you have done, the people you have influenced and the joy you have brought. This Christmas season, whenever you hear a bell ring, think of something good you have done for others.  by Michael Corthell "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another." — Charles Dickens "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" may be the most famous phrase in the history of the United States. It is a God-given right protected by the Constitution. We are guaranteed the right to chase that happiness. How happy and joyful we become is entirely up to us. So, how do we pursue that happiness, that joyfulness? Let's take a look. Being sad, being disappointed, or facing severe challeng

If You Don't Understand Quantum Physics, Watch This!

 By Michael Corthell Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay Compensation written in the mid-19th century, poetically described Quantum Mechanics . Compensation, which is difficult to read at first because of its Victorian language, inspired me to discover more about existential philosophy. It led me to many foundational, basic discoveries in both science and religion. These studies in turn have led me to a simple discovery(and acceptance) of what the Universe truly is: pure consciousness.  What Emerson is describing in the first four lines of his opening poem is, as I said, quantum mechanics: The wings of Time are black and white (this refers to both the duality of waveform vibrational energy and the dual nature of philosophical/religious concepts such as the yin and yang nature and its symbol. A checkerboard also symbolizes this duality. The 'wings' that carry time are the quanta that makeup consciousness and awareness.)  Pied with morning and with night (first 'pied' means:

The Miracle of Life and The Artistry of the Universe

by Michael Corthell Today's article is fairly brief. When you get to the end be sure to watch the video presentation, because you will see the miracle I talk about. 'Let there be light, and there was light, love and life.' When writing about God (the creator/the first cause/the prime mover/the one, the source or The ONE) I often say that God is love or love is the essence of what He is, and that 'love is all there is'. I say this because the true effect and purpose of all creation is love, life, the love for it and just to live it. The foolish believe in luck. The wise believe in cause and effect. Many people refer to God as the 'first cause'  (and only cause) . For every 'cause' there is indeed, not only one effect, but many. What you see and experience all around you—throughout all the Universe are those 'effects'. For most people are only two ways to live life. Living it as though nothing is a miracle, or living and expe

Your Mind is Full of Magic!

by Michael Corthell You have a magic mind. Imagination is a workshop in the corner of your mind, a shop where new ideas and concepts are formed and experimented with. The forming of new ideas and then translating those new ideas into concrete reality is a human trait. We all have this power. How do we use it well, and use it fully? It has been said that whatever a human being can imagine he can turn into a reality and that nothing is 'impossible'. There are two identifiable forms of imagination. The first is SYNTHETIC IMAGINATION. In this workshop we arrange old concepts, ideas, or plans into new ideas or combinations of ideas. This kind of imagination  doesn't create anything . It works with the material of experience, education, and observation that has been accumulated by the imaginer. The second and more mysterious of the two types of imagination is CREATIVE IMAGINATION . This mental process is in the neighborhood of the 'twilight zone', a plac

What about love?

Before he spoke the words 'let there be light' he thought 'let there be love'. by Michael Corthell The standard definition of love is an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. And there is the highest form of love. Interestingly, that kind of love is also defined as Charity which is defined as the type of love God has for mankind. It is also the love we are to show for our neighbor. It embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends, and serves regardless of circumstances or consequences. When we become enlightened we come to understand that love does indeed heal all wounds, but more importantly, we understand that love is the true reason for our existence. King Solomon further describes love this way: Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done ag

What Does Having a Spiritual and Personal Relationship with God Really Mean?

The Law of Devine Oness is the first of the universal laws, in that it's the one upon which all the others build. This law states that we are all connected through creation. Every single bit of matter that makes you, is connected to the entirety of the Universe, making each individual a form and function of it, or one with the All.   by Michael Corthell Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices. Usually with a worldview, a sacred book, or books, it may have holy places, its own ethics, and/or its own societal organizations. Religion will often relate humanity to what one anthropologist has called "an order of existence" or a reason to exist.  ''The purpose of religion is not building grand temples, but cultivating positive human qualities like tolerance, generosity and love .'' —Dalai Lama That is a description for a textbook. What is its purpose? What is the purpose of all belief systems? I am going to describe what I

Abused and Bullied as a Child Lizzie Velasquez Chose to be HAPPY!

Lizzie is not a complainer. Follow her on You Tube . by Michael Corthell We all choose to complain from time to time. We sometimes don't even know that we're complaining. Sometimes a common complaint can help bond two people, but too much complaining may just break down the relationship. Some people say, "Why do I complain, no one listens anyway.'' (I wonder why??) I like to tell people, ''The complaint department is on the 99th floor and there are no elevators.''   ''Instead of complaining that the rose bush is full of thorns,  be happy the thorn bush has roses.'' —Abraham Lincoln We've all known people who complain long and loud, they are the ones who constantly gripe about their health, their family, their relationships, their job, and the list goes on and on. They are never happy with anything. (because they are not happy with themselves) And every time you hang out with them you are left feeling drained.

How Does a Resource-Based Economy Work?

The most important difference between a Resource-Based Economy and a Capitalist or Socialist Economy is sustainability and because there is no means of servitude or money used in this system, there is no corruption, no crime, no war, and no poverty . by Michael Corthell The quality of life for all people on Earth will be raised and enhanced immeasurably when all Earth's citizens have access to the  best  products and services, education, healthcare, transportation, housing, and energy systems that our civilization can provide.  This commitment must come sooner, rather than later to save our environment, our race, and other species. We have the technology to begin implementing this new economy immediately. We only need the will to do it...    Resourceism is the belief that all the Earth's resources are the common inheritance of all the Earth's inhabitants. Global problems faced by mankind today are impacting individuals and nations rapidly. Climate change, famine, war, epid

Life Lessons Taught in The Wizard of Oz

I love this story and watch the movie every year right around my birthday which is in December. It kicks off the Christmas movie marathon for me. (Including, A Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, and about a dozen more) To commemorate the 60th year I've viewed this film (I started watching it when I was ten years old!) I've written a brief summary analysis of it. It's my opinion of course, but I think you'll find when thinking about it, especially while watching the movie that you'll agree with me. We're off... by Michael Corthell ''Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man. That he didn't, didn't already have. And Cause never was the reason for the evening. Or the tropic of Sir Galahad.'' -  Dewey Bunnell, Tin Man   Many of us think by running away from negative situations, we will be free of them, but in reality, the very same situations confront us over and over wherever we go. Let's take a look at The Wizard of Oz story kee

How Do We Overcome Hate and Racism?

  Not long ago in America by Michael Corthell Prejudice, Hate, and Racism. This evil trinity of human behavior will rise and fall depending on the political climate, economy, and spiritual atmosphere of the times.  Hating another human being for who they are or what was done to them is very grave insubordination. It is slapping God in the face. This evil behavior carries with it severe consequences for individuals, as well as nations and societies. ''Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that...The time is always right to do what is right.'' —Martin Luther King, Jr. Prejudice is caused by negative, hateful thoughts and attitudes. These opinions and feelings toward a person or group are formed without adequate knowledge , thought or reason and are based on stereotypes. Prejudice is the result of prejudgment and leads to the discrimination of and even outright hate for an

Compassion, Kindness, Empathy and The Healing Practice of Deep Listening

by Michael Corthell    I think that we can all agree that healing is an act of kindness, as well as an act of love. The very first step in healing is to know what needs to be healed. To do that we have to listen and listen deeply, without distraction or any negativity. Deeply listening with kindness and compassion is undoubtedly the most powerful act of human healing and change. Compassion is a virtue that all good human beings have, and it is this virtue that provides the motivation for wanting to heal. In order to heal others, we must first heal ourselves, especially our emotional minds. Those of us who have been self-criticizing for years, need only to stop and start affirming ourselves. People who make that switch from self-negation to self-affirmation are truly transformed human beings, who then, are well on their way to self-enlightenment. Several research studies have shown that when you practice and feel compassion, your heart rate slows down, you

Forgiveness in the Age of Anger

by Michael Corthell Our lives are short enough and time spent being angry and resentful toward someone is really a waste of time. How to cope? Forgive. ''Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.'' —Buddha Hanging on to resentments and your angry, hurt feelings toward someone you were once close to will not only keep you from moving on with your life, you may never learn to deal with the emotional wounds. Letting go of your anger, resentment, and jealousy, whether it leads to healing the relationship, or to wholeness and peace within yourself, or both, is essential to healing and maintaining good health—for your mind and your body. ''Resentment is like punching yourself in the face, and expecting the other person to get a bloody nose.'' When you start to resent or hate a person, you become that person's slave. He controls your thoughts and dreams. He takes away good digestion, steals your peace of mind and goodw