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How Can I Alter My Genetic Blueprint for Better Health?

by Michael Corthell   It is now being realized that our genetic blueprint, or DNA map, the molecular protein structure that carries traits from one generation to another can be changed during a our lifetime. New research in genetics and epigenetics  (literally: "control above the genes'') is showing that everything we do and experience can affect this structure, which, in turn, impacts our present health and the health of our posterity. ''Our own genomes carry the story of evolution, written in DNA, the language of molecular genetics, and the narrative is unmistakable.'' — Kenneth R. Miller What is this all about? It's called gene 'expression'. Concerning people, to 'express', is to talk, to communicate. At the cellular level, a similar kind of communication, 'expression' happens. There is a very important argument to be made that anything and maybe everything we do or any at large environmental event has the pote

How to Develop a Positive and Pleasing Personality

by Michael Corthell ''A drop of honey gathers more flies than a gallon of gall'' ― Abraham Lincoln To succeed you must get things done. You must inspire confidence. You must inspire people to act. One of the keys to doing so is how we interact with people. Common sense and basic logic will tell you that by being friendly we will create a spirit of cooperation. People with a pleasing personality create a positive cooperative atmosphere just by being friendly and agreeable. Some of us are born that way, while others need to work at it a bit. But like most things, with some persistent effort, developing this kind of 'personality of success' can be had fairly quickly. First do a quick assessment. Based on the traits below, do you have a Pleasing Personality? What traits do you already have? What traits will you need to work on? Smile! Don’t underestimate the importance of a frequent and sincere smile in making your personality

Healing Illness with the Power of the Subconscious Mind

by Michael Corthell ''The thing always happens that you really believe in, and the belief in a thing makes it happen.'' - Frank Lloyd Wright Your subconscious mind, the very gullible part of your mind that will believe anything you tell it, is there to inspire and guide you. It controls your heart, and circulation of blood, regulates your digestive, takes in, (and believes everything), and releases information. It also controls all the processes and functions of your body and it basically knows the answers to all your body's problems. It guards your life and restores you to health. It never sleeps or rests, it is active and working for you 24/7. The best part? You can tell it what to do! So why not use it? Healing yourself is strongly connected with others. Healing begins through loving your neighbors and forgiving your enemies.   Your subconscious has made your body what it is and, therefore, can recreate it — it knows how to heal, through positive

Why There Is No Perfection in this World or Any Other

  The nature of the Universe is not about perfection, it does not seek that, it only seeks balance,  and in that way, it produces the spirit of life and the power of existence. by Michael Corthell I'm not a mathematician so when I try to make sense of how the Universe operates I think in practical terms and picture images like the one I've created above. Don't get me wrong, I do understand Einstein's equation E+MC2 but I can't explain it to someone else and prove it using a mathematical formula, just as I can't explain a great song by singing it since I don't have that talent, I'm tone-deaf. “Nothing happens until something moves. When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected. The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness.” ― Albert Einstein So then this is how I'm going to explain the non-perfection of our daily lives and the life that is the Universe.  The Universe

Religion | What I Believe | Michael Corthell

by Michael Corthell “You don’t look out there for God, something in the sky, you look in you.”  – Alan Watts. It is said, by many Christians, that the Old Testament is about a promise made by God, and the New Testament is about the promise fulfilled. In my view this is true. But I believe the entire Bible, including the gospels and other scripture that was omitted, is not to be taken as a historical series of stories at all (for the most part), but rather it is to be read as a kind of psychodrama with allegory highlighting eternal truths and the sciences of creation, such as quantum theory and so on. First of all, I've come to terms with labeling myself a philosopher because I use reason to understand such things as the workings of nature and the existence of all things, including understanding the use and limits of knowledge and science, and the principles of moral judgment toward all created beings as well as the nature of matter itself.[spoiler: everything is energy in wave form

Mindfulness: How to Sharpen Your Power of Observation

Sharpening your powers of observation will not only help you to be more aware and functionally intelligent, this valuable skill of actually 'seeing' will help you in all areas of your life. by Michael Corthell What do you 'see', or do you usually just 'look'? We do not 'see' everything. There is just too much to process, so our minds ignore redundancies. And it is all about focus. For example, if I told you to note everything in a room that was red, and then I asked to close your eyes and describe everything that was blue, what would happen? You would miss most of the blue objects. You were focusing on red and ignoring the blue. ''It's Not What You Look At That Matters, It's What You See'' —Henry David Thoreau Yes, it is focus and mindfulness. Let's look at an illustrative story, this time it is about making sure we are 'looking' at the 'big' picture: Once upon a time, there lived six

How We Were All Conditioned to Worry About the Future

  ''There is too much 'go-go-go' and not enough just 'sit and be', especially in the western world, a culture that has created a population of stressed-out neurotics both chasing and at the same time dreading their collective futures.''  —Michael Corthell   ''We have an absolutely extraordinary attitude in our culture, and in various other cultures, high civilizations, toward the new member of human society. Instead of saying frankly to children, "How do you do? Welcome to the human race!" we are playing a game and we are playing by the following rules: we want to tell you what the rules are so that you know your way around, and when you understood what rules we are playing by when you get older, you may be able to invent better ones. But instead of that, we still retain an attitude to the child that he is on probation; he is not really a human being, he is a candidate for humanity. And in just this way, we have a whole system of prepar

What is Nutrigenomics and How Might it Prevent or Cure Disease?

by Michael Corthell Exercise your body and give it the fuel that is good for it. Pretty simple. Basic. There are many reasons why we human beings don't do it—some refusing to even consider eating right, never mind getting some exercise. In this article, I present some scientific evidence that may help you break through those excuses and get motivated to take action and get healthy. Eating right and exercising are at the top of the shortlist of things we all must do to gain and maintain optimal health. Common sense has told us to do this for centuries, but today we know much more about how food and exercise affect our total mind/body makeup through scientific research and evidence. ''Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.''    —Hippocrates Today we will look at how positive food choices can actually change our genetic make-up for the better, by looking at ' nutrigenomics '. Nutrigenomics is the scientific study of the int

What is Resourceism and What Does It Have in Common with The Walton's?

  'Sharing is caring' by Michael Corthell How can Resourcism contribute to saving the world? Humanity can unlearn competition so to speak and learn to share again like one family just as we saw in the television series The Waltons . When you think about an extended family unit, within that family there is no buying or selling, there is only sharing of the house, the food, and the other resources. There is a cooperative effort to survive.  What binds the cooperation is family love and interdependence. We might just as well say, The Golden Rule .   How did private land ownership and money-based economies begin? Humanity has gone way off track as a race of intelligent, sentient beings starting in circa 10,000 BCE. when it started to settle down to be 'civilized'. How did this happen?  From the website Resourceism: Our World Shared : ''Nearly all of human civilization's problems; War, Poverty, Crime, Famine, and now the Global Climate Crisis had their genesis w

What the HELL is Carnism?

Carnism is the invisible belief system, or ideology, that conditions people to eat certain animals and not others. by Michael Corthell It has been said that as long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields. Let me explain. Carnism is a belief system or ideology. This ideology conditions folk to eat certain animals, but not others. It is essentially 'invisible' in all human cultures.  Carnism is the polar opposite of veganism. The 'carn' means flesh or meat and 'ism' refers to a belief system. And because carnism is invisible, people rarely, if ever, realize that eating animals is a choice, rather than a given. In all meat-eating cultures around the world, people really don't think about why they eat some animals and not others, or why they eat meat at all. So then, when eating animals is not a necessity, which is the case for most people worldwide, then it is a choice – and choices always come from belief systems. As long as we rema

Self-Talk Creates Reality by Neville Goddard

''Believe in the power of your own thoughts. When you replace your negative thoughts with positive internal dialogue, you’ll start creating a positive reality.'' –  Michael Corthell _________________ Read by Josiah Brandt with reverence, pause, and emphasis for added effect. This lecture shares vital human knowledge and could quite possibly be the most important Neville Goddard talk ever recorded. From ''Mental Diets'': 1955 Lecture Series  "The world is a magic circle of infinite possible mental transformations. For there are an infinite number of possible mental conversations. When man[kind] discovers the creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and his mission in life. Then he can act to a purpose. Without such knowledge, he acts unconsciously. Everything is a manifestation of the mental conversations which go on in us without our being aware of them. But as civilized beings, we must become aware of them and act with a purpo

How to Spot Liars (and Truth Tellers too!)

by Michael Corthell Let's start by saying that we are all liars by definition. If you tell me you have never lied once in your life, then you are a liar. Okay, we have that important point out of the way. You might be interested to know that more than 80 percent of all lies people tell go undetected. But does that surprise you? We all learn to lie early on. Think back to when you were very young, and it shouldn't surprise you that lying is such a common behavior. When asked about eating a piece of candy before a meal, most children are guaranteed punishment if they admit to it. Lying, they reason, gives them a much lower probability of being punished—that is, if they don't get caught. Lying is part of being human—it is a defense mechanism. ''The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.'' —John Ruskin So then, people tell lies all the time, that is a fact and many are very skilled at it depending on psychological makeup, as well